Is it possible to be alone and happy

Your other option is to ignore that call to create and, instead, look for temporary comfort in things and people who will eventually leave you unfulfilled. Make use of your loneliness. It only needs to be present.

Pursue these plans immediately. Perfect never comes, and the longer you wait, the harder it is to get started. Maybe you want to travel the world and understand different cultures. Maybe you want to build a massive stamp collection. When you do this, two things happen. Second, this confidence brings new and interesting people into your life. Being alone can be beautiful, but if you want to add people to your life, finding a purpose for your existence is the fastest way to do it.

Get used to doing things alone that society says is made for two. Go to a movie by yourself and enjoy the picture. Have a great dinner out all by yourself. Take yourself on dates, and learn to treat yourself well. This will be awkward at first.

Accept it. When you work on a team, the pressure to conform is great. You always have to think about the others in your group and regularly make compromises so that the end result is acceptable to everyone. You have the freedom to be completely selfish and make no compromises about what you do or how you do it. Take advantage of this freedom! An important part of life is doing things that look unwise or impractical to others. You can contain it to just a small part. According to Woodfin, a few signs you may need to seek professional help include:.

Spending time alone doesn't have to be a lonely experience. Instead, it can be a time of happiness. Engaging in activities such as nature walks, journaling, and meditation can help you enjoy your time and better understand yourself. However, if you think you may be experiencing anxiety or depression , it's always best to seek help from a mental health professional.

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Women's Health. Primary Care. Mental Health. More Button Icon Circle with three vertical dots. It indicates a way to see more nav menu items inside the site menu by triggering the side menu to open and close. Enjoyed reading many of the above suggestions which I will use to find happiness within.

Ultimately break out of thinking my joy could only come from having company, caregiving and pleasing others. In my routine I recently found him passed away in his home.

Expecting rescuers to come my way and make me happy, made me realize I needed to think positive, find love and happiness within myself, for myself, by myself. I was extremely low, browsed and found this stuff, feeling so relieved , always looked for my happiness entwined around someone else, while people create wonders single-handedly.

Definitely gonna try and use ways to live all by myself. Thank you so much for this. Great point about not needing reasons to be unhappy. I know people who seemingly have everything, who are constantly unhappy, and others who struggle financially who are very content. So much of happiness is attitude, and like you mentioned, it is very easy to fall into a rut. I have a mother…… Alive…. Can someone be happy without being able to have any independence?

Yes, i know that life is still go on no matter what happened in the past. I have been alone for over 5 years and have to say, it hurts.

I was married for 31 years and with my ex-husband for six years before that. I had never lived alone before; and am still trying to come to terms with it. My two kids live local but I generally only see them for a few hours once a week or less. Since the breakup things have not improved for me. It sounds like you are doing some of the right things too, trying to find social activities beyond your relationship. I would like to be optimistic and think they are the exception rather than the rule.

Have you thought of treating yourself to an adventure? Something to break the doldrums of everyday living? I am guessing you are in your late 50s or early 60s by your years adding up your years married and single. Something like a trip to Europe could bring some excitement to your life.

Just a thought. I knew my parents just worry about my future living but I wanted to prove it. I told my boyfriend I want to start a small online business and I hope he will support me and we can do it together.

I was so busy at TV station plush I have to make order for my customer, reply their message packaging goods and contact with delivery company. Since that day my dad not allow me to go anywhere just stay home and relax.

For the first 3 week I felt so hurt so lonely I lose hope I missed him I cried almost everyday. I tried to read many articles to make me feel better to inspire myself and start doing many habits. I felt lonely again but your aticle remind me how to be happy. And I listed something new in my schedule,Dota 2 and Yoga and I had a trip to a beautiful place it has mountains forest and it is a silent place and those things help me a lot.

First of all your English is quite well! Well done! Secondly, thank you for sharing your story. You are so young but yet so wise, and courageous, and optimistic! It is OK to be single. It is oh so natural to love yourself before anyone will love you. Thank you S. Hello sir, This above articles could realy helped me how to live alone happily..

But one day i came to know and realized what is life with only chating, rather we can live our life much happly than now by socializing with people outside and to do things which you really like to do. I have done so many mistakes in my life and now turned to But i want my life to be happy but want to lookafter my parents at same time.

I really got best ideas from your detailed articles which i could defenatly make use of it in my own life.. I have started practising being alone for one week. It is greatly rewarding. As a first step I started being in my home, and will not move out.

Then focus on the jobs immediately tobe done in the house. Focus and achieve it. This is greatly de-stressing and get ample to time tobe thoughtful and helps in improving self-love and improving healthier relations with our contacts outside and family members. Regarads, Thank U. Thank you! This is a wonderful, wonderful discussion. I am sure that it will motivate many people. Lear to be Alone and tolike. There is nothing more Freeing and empowering than Learning to like your own Company….

I just moved into my own little place and I am alone. Your article has helped to look at myself and figure out what makes ME happy! Thank you again for your article! I am mostly very content with being alone because I can plan my day and the next one exactly how I want it to be. I am a student, so most of my time goes to studying.

If a friend wants to study with me, I tell them no because I know I can focus better alone and not feeling stressed by comparing myself with them. But I grew up with my parents and big brothers who are still living with mom and dad and always been surrounded with family members. All of my friends live very close to my childhood home as well. Here, in my university town, I feel so alone from time to time.

Classmates hang out with each other, but no one asks me to come. I prefer having a nice talk really than dancing to lame songs with strangers. So I feel kinda stuck. All I do is studying, going to lectures, come home and make dinner, relax and then go to bed. Day after day. I dunno, I just felt like letting it all out. I guess no one cares really. Thanks for reading though.

I never think that I am alone. The power that created this wonderful world and which created me is always flowing in me as universal life force energy or in India we call it Pranashakthi while I breath in and out.

The very feeling of loneliness comes because of not being connected with the universal power which is responsible for the creation of the universe and me. How can you feel the presence of that power within yourself? Stop doing anything for 5 minutes. Sit relax, take a deep breath and release breath, observe your normal breathing. So long as you observe your breathing there will not be any thought because there can be only one thought at a time.

As you practice this breathing awareness meditation and increase the frequency per day and also the duration from 5 minutes to maximum 15 minutes per session you will learn to be with yourself and when you are with yourself you are with your universal self. Then you will learn to detach yourself from the physical world around you at your will and also attach yourself at your own will. You become an expert in attaching to the world for the sake of survival and experiencing the sensuous world and enjoying it in its all respects and when you feel like relaxing you know how to detach yourself and enjoy being with yourself and your higher self.

This is called living in Vairagya which means living without Raga [attachment] and without Dwesha [Aversion]. You will transcend from your likes and dislikes and start loving yourself and everything around you and in the universe as IT IS.

More you learn to live doing nothing [not even having any thought] more you will enjoy life. This is exactly what I needed…. Sorry…load of crap! How can anyone be happy alone? I for one will never be!

Nobody to talk to, share things with, touch, kiss, love, sex, passion, romance, intimacy, do things with, complain to, help, support…nothing…absolutely nothing!

Thanks for you opinion John. Let me point out that I am not saying you need to live a life in a box with no human contact whatsoever. My point is that even though most people crave some human connections there is still ways to live a fullfulling life without them. You should strive to work on yourself and your issues.

If a relationshhip is something you desire above all else, it will come in time. I totally understand you. Sure, there are things that I enjoy doing on my own, but the article states that one should find out what makes them happy. Kissing, hugging, sex, intimacy, being able to walk through life with a partner on their side, someone to accompany you through the good times and the bad times.

All of those things make me happy and are impossible to achive on my own or with friends and family. And yes at 29 and never had any relationship… i always remind myself that in everything i do. Self control is always the Key. It feels good to accomplised many things.

It was until i got pressured by my peers that i decided to a be little flirt. I never wanted that because i value my self that much.. Worst, He rejected me. But it seems everything in my life seems so vague. Instead of romanticizing the imaginary partner you've yet to meet, says Heidi McBain , a licensed marriage and family therapist, "remember that the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

Just one example of the many benefits of being single , she explains, is "you get to spend your time how you like to spend it, without having to compromise with a partner. While the first would call for introducing more people and activities into your life, she explains, the latter is a "wonderful opportunity to use this time to explore your authentic self and build the life that you dream of.

The good news? To make the most of your time alone, Backe recommends beginning an exercise regimen. When you're single, you may find that you have more time to cruise Instagram. But don't fall into the trap of envying other peoples' lives. One of first steps toward being happy alone, says Dr.

In addition to getting you down, it's not even a fair comparison: "the majority of those couples," she explains, "are solely sharing the highs of their relationships, while masking the lows. Instead of fighting these feelings, she explains, it can be helpful "to allow yourself to actually feel the feeling. In addition to exploring a natural part of human life, she says, doing so will help those feelings to eventually pass, rather than lingering unsaid.

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