AS is intended for use by organizations whose primary business is providing maintenance, repair, and overhaul services for aviation sector products. It is tailored for organizations with National Airworthiness Authority NAA repair station certification, but is also suitable for non-certificated organizations, including those that provide maintenance, repair, and overhaul services for military aviation products. The standard is also intended to be used by organizations with maintenance, repair, and overhaul operations that operate autonomously, or that are substantially different from their manufacturing operations.
AS is intended for use by organizations that procure parts, materials, and assemblies and sell these products to a customer in the aviation, space, and defense industries. AS is an international standard containing requirements for establishing and maintaining a quality management system for the aerospace industry. Its official name is AS Quality Management Systems — Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Organizations and it is intended to be used by organizations that design, develop, and produce aviation, space, and defense products and can be applied throughout the supply chain.
Because the aerospace industry has high standards of customer satisfaction and strict laws imposed by regulatory authorities AS focuses on how the products are made to ensure the organization produces and continuously improves products that meet these high industry standards.
This standard establishes the elements that a quality management system must have for companies to consistently provide safe, quality products that are delivered on time. The design and implementation of this standard will be influenced by the size and organizational structure of the company, its needs, its objectives, processes and the products it provides. AS is a standard that specifies the requirements for a quality management system QMS for stockist distributors in the aerospace industry.
The standard addresses chain of custody, traceability, control, and availability of records. AS was developed for stockist or pass-through distributors of aerospace commodity items.
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Mark Hammar January 29, Upcoming free webinar. Presenter Mark Hammar. An overview of the AS implementation process. The standard would be applicable for organizations that resell, distribute, and warehouse parts found in aircraft and other aerospace components.
Value-added distributors would NOT be included for the standard to due to customer-product changes. Use AS For a more detailed explanation, our AS Steps to Certification will still apply since the standards are so similar.