The carat diamond that was discovered in India in the thirteenth century and now still forms part of the British Crown Jewels , changed the trajectory of diamond perception globally. Many know that Mary of Burgundy was the very first woman to receive a diamond engagement ring from Archduke Maximillian of Austria in , a trend that persists to this day and is likely to last for centuries to come.
More significantly though is the more than solid speculation that at seeing the crown jewels containing their massive diamonds, he knew that no other diamond would be befitting of her, or symbolic enough to convey his stoic intention to be by her side for life.
By this time in the 15th century, the sea route to India was plotted and traversed by Vasco da Gama. While diamonds were already being mass-mined in the region , it now opened the possibility of increasing diamond exports to Europe from India, putting it within reach of classes just below the aristocracy until eventually, almost anyone who had a serious intent to own a diamond could work towards the goal of having one.
What fueled this ability of more and more people to own diamond jewellery was that it was now safe to experiment with cutting it in different shapes and sizes. The diamond was literally cut to resemble a rose. Following hot on the heels of priceless diamonds being mined in India, came new diamond mines in more far-flung places from Europe, including mines in Brazil, Australia, Russia, and, of course, South Africa , where some of the biggest diamonds ever were yet to be mined.
The Cullinan Diamond was one such discovery. At more than carats, it was more than double the carat weight of any diamond known to man. This meant that a uniform standard was required for trading diamonds, evaluating and pricing them. The international grading system was born resting on the four Cs — cut, clarity, carat and colour. Thanks to this grading system, women around the world have become more specific about inspecting what they receive, and crucially playing a bigger role in what they desire as an engagement ring in the first place.
Learn more about the fascinating history of diamonds when you visit the Cape Town Diamond Museum. Book your tour here. Great news, we've signed you up. Sorry, we weren't able to sign you up.
Please check your details, and try again. Diamonds have many positive mystical attributes and healing properties. The diamond is associated with activating the seventh chakra, Sahasrara, uniting the mind with the body. This is perhaps why diamonds represent truth. They also symbolize perfection because of their indestructibility. This clarity presents clear, positive resolutions to all problems. The stone also attracts abundance, strength, power, courage, fortitude, creativity, imagination, purity, harmony, faithfulness, innocence, increased feelings of self-respect and love, and relationships full of pure love.
In fact, diamonds are believed to fill negative spaces in oneself with the purity of love. The stone will help you accomplish your dreams and destiny. Overall, a diamond is believed to be bring great calm and inner peace, bringing forth an overall positive mental attitude.
Diamonds also have the power to stop stress, emotional pain, fear, and protect the owner from negative energies.
The stones have also been believed throughout history, to protect the wearer against thieves, fire, water, poison, illness and sorcery. Interestingly, it is believed that the powers of a diamond increase when worn around the neck, or on the left hand.
Ancient Hindus believed that the vibrations of a diamond strengthened every organ of the body, the heart, and in particular, the brain. In the East, a diamond is used as a heart tonifier. Typically, one that is ill, places a diamond in a glass of water. The glass is left overnight next to their bed and when the morning comes, the water is to be sipped in several steps, to aid the heart. In general, diamonds have been known to prevent cardiovascular disease, leukemia and skeletal problems.
They stimulate the glands of the endocrine system, balance metabolism and enhance eyesight. They are also believed to help glaucoma, vertigo, and dizziness, strengthen the immune system and metabolism, and fight against stomach aches. They can also help with memory loss, bad depression, fever, fatigue, skin disease, and nightmares. The stones also help people who are overcome with addictions. Physical Properties and Science of Diamond As the hardest mineral in existence, a diamond is highly regarded for its beauty and ability to reflect light in an extremely dazzling way.
Diamonds display a large amount of brilliance and fire, meaning they sparkle a lot, and always retain a freshly polished look. Created out of pure carbon, the carbon atoms within diamonds are bonded very strongly, which makes for the hardness and strength of the stone.
Diamonds are the hardest known substances. Because of the strength of this carbon bonding, diamonds rate a 10 on the Mohs scale- meaning they are as hard as a stone could possibly be. Since antiquity, it has been known that diamonds are the hardest stone.
Diamond crystals are the perfect antidote if you are feeling lost or confused, they help cleanse your aura of negative thoughts and bring back the love and light.
While diamond crystals will not change your emotions, they will magnify the emotions you are feeling and act as a mirror to your emotional state, which makes it important to wear them with that in mind as they will enhance the positive but also negative energies we are feeling. As someone who really resonates and respects spirituality and the hidden energies that guide and nurture us, it is wonderful to be working with these miracle stones and harnessing their power.
But it is not just me: In the east, they place a diamond in a glass of water and drink it in the morning as a heart tonifier; In meditation, wearing a diamond especially when placed on the Third Eye brings mental clarity and for many years a picture of a perfect brilliant diamond was used in meditation practice.