What is wrong with nkjv bible

This is significant because the RSV was roundly criticized by fundamentalists and evangelicals alike back in the day because of its liberal bias and poor theology. Its publication the New Testament in ; the Old Testament in brought forth a multitude of books and pamphlets against it that attracted the attention of both the secular and religious press.

Copies of the RSV were even burned. This is all in addition to the scores of omitted phrases and verses in the New Testament because of the corrupt Greek text that the RSV was translated from. Instead of ignoring the RSV and letting Mr. It was a production of the forerunner of what is now the National Council of Churches. These are a few examples from just one book. It would make an interesting term paper if someone were to do a comprehensive comparison. If we assume that the Lord was involved with the translation in the King James Bible, then we should also assume that he is pleased with the English words as they have appeared for the past years.

They also recognized that it was easier for the average reader to delete something he or she felt was not properly a part of the text, than to insert a word or phrase which had been left out by the revisers.

And so they gave you footnotes you can use to…. The New King James Version is just a shadow of the real thing. The and subsequent editions of the King James Bible have marginal notes, footnotes, and even notations of variant readings.

Where a Hebrew or Greek word admits two meanings of a suitable kind, the one was to be expressed in the text, the other in the margin. The same to be done where a different reading was found in good copies. Now in such a case doth not a margin do well to admonish the Reader to seek further, and not to conclude or dogmatize upon this or that peremptorily? For as it is a fault of incredulity, to doubt of those things that are evident; so to determine of such things as the Spirit of God hath left even in the judgment of the judicious questionable, can be no less than presumption.

Miles was referring primarily to the translation of a word in English——not the substitution of a variant reading found in some manuscript, even though they did make note of some textual variants. Do you think the Lord appreciates their motive? The editors said they were convicted to do this. Now each reader can create a Bible after their own heart.

Who does this? And these are the fellows who preach sermons on convictions versus preferences. Now this is all really funny considering that it is coming out of the mouths of some fundamentalists. It has been my privilege to serve on the Overview Committee for this translation.

Not very considerate is it? Evidently, the Old King James Version is good enough to preach out of but not good enough to study? Go figure. They did. Price, , preface. A Response to D. The Preeminence of Christ and Bible Translation. It is a sad thing when a Bible translator doesn't even believe he has God's words in his hands. It sounds like they don't believe God kept His promise: Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.

Mark Perhaps that is why some of them had no problem working on other perversions, both before and after working on the NKJV. The difference between the King James and the "New" King James is the difference between day and night. Many Christians are discovering the miracle of God's words in English. But the enemy has tried to insert a monkey-wrench: the NKJV. Pastors approve it, "scholars" promote it, but the NKJV is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

The New King James is just a compromise between the liberal, perverted Bible versions floating around and the rock-solid, accurate and preserved words of God, the King James Bible. Donations to the mission fund are processed for us by PayPal.

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Read more. Subscribe to our newsletter to hear about offers and discounts that are not announced by regular mail. Customer Service. Return Policy. But there are no major New Testament translations based on the Majority Text. That discussion belongs elsewhere. Some discussion of textual variants is appropriate and even needed in the margins of English Bible translations. The KJV translators thought so. They included at least eleven textual-critical notes. That might be too few, honestly, especially now that we know more about the manuscript history of the New Testament.

Empirically speaking, they have alarmed some people. The most in famous biblical mistranslation in history is probably the one that Luther critiques in the first of his 95 Theses: poenitentiam agite.

He explained in a letter,. I became so bold as to believe that they were wrong who attributed so much to penitential works that they left us hardly anything of poenitentia , except some trivial satisfactions on the one hand and a most laborious confession on the other.

It is evident that they were misled by the Latin term, because the expression poenitentiam agere suggests more an action than a change in disposition; and in no way does this do justice to the Greek metanoein. And yet could even this mistranslation overcome the stories of repentance we see in the Bible?

Manasseh, the Prodigal Son, the apostle Paul—can you read any of those stories and come away thinking that the really important thing in repentance is to perform a list of actions and say a number of chants prescribed to you by a priestly confessor? The mistranslation created some static, apparently—some misdirection. But the likelihood that people today in this literate age will be actively misled by a mistranslation is, in my mind, rather low. Sometimes I find myself wondering what kind of reader could ever come to the horribly theologically wrong-headed conclusions Hembd and other KJV defenders fear.

Such people, it seems to me, will find ways to misunderstand even the most accurate translation. Again, we had plenty of heretics in the English-speaking world during the centuries in which the KJV was effectively our sole Bible.

It means we should trust God, do our best to train and work well, and seek constructive criticism from qualified people who can devote real time and study to the questions that come up. The KJV committee specifically said their work was not perfect. All this means we can expect toss-ups—and the need for alternative renderings in the margin, or perhaps even in a separate translation.

Far from confusing me, I have found the use of multiple English Bible translations to aid my understanding of the Bible over and over again for two decades. Hembd gave sixteen examples of alleged translational errors in the NKJV. The New King James…demonstrates itself to be a new translation and sadly an inferior one at that.

The doctrinal truth and power of the originals, we submit, does not come through this translation. Every Bible translation, as I said earlier, is a collection of hundreds of thousands of choices. It takes a lot of careful homework to evaluate a sufficient number of these choices to form a reliable general impression. It would try the patience of even the most dedicated scholar or inmate in solitary confinement to talk through even a hundred examples, let alone a thousand.

And that means the author will have to work extra hard to show that his judgment is trustworthy in the few cases he does select for discussion. Education does not equal truth. Lengthy C. But it does mean that KJV polemicists ought to tread a little more, well, humbly. Once a few years ago I ran across an argument that D. He has more than earned my respect and trust through dozens of articles and sermons and lectures and books that have benefited my mind and my soul greatly.

If my brothers in Christ who prefer the KJV have serious complaints about modern translations, they must enter the scholarly arena and show that they belong there by using its first tool: hard, charitable listening. Lexicographer Sidney Landau commented of this poor pedant,. From any rational view he would seem to have collected a vast body of evidence to refute his own argument. At the very least, he ought to show clear and honest understanding of the reasons behind their choices before accusing them of doctrinal error.

This Hembd did once in 38, words. I want to be gracious, but I must also be clear. I think his view of Matthew , for example, ends up in the right place. I found several other places of basic agreement between us. Those many hours of homework fell instead to me. They must be heard before being condemned Matt —2. There were in his article turns of phrase and doctrinal points that were touching for me, and truly edifying.

Not everyone out there can write like that. That was excellent, and as I read it I worshiped. But the article overall, in every point about translation, is striving about words to no profit. It is divisive—because what can readers who lack the capacity to read Greek and Hebrew which is the great majority of Christians really do with his deluge of character assassination, covered with a veneer of philology?

They can only fill the internet with false and inflammatory memes. And this they have done, in part because of the work of Hembd, TBS, and many brothers like them. Hembd showed during his discussion of precisely one of his chosen passages no. Apparently, he could have done this elsewhere, everywhere. And I think he would have been more persuasive. When a waiter gives the wrong change, and sometimes it goes for him and sometimes against him, we think him honest if a bit bumbling.

When he gives the wrong change, and it always goes for him, we come to a different conclusion. I believe TBS to be doing genuinely good things for the body of Christ around the world. A trusted friend of mine told me what a wonderful time of fellowship he recently shared with them. Their mission to get the Bible to the nations is all-important. But slander and untruth will not serve that mission; they will only hamper it. One of the major purposes of my work on the King James Version is to encourage my brothers who prefer the Textus Receptus to make or use a translation of it into contemporary English.

I end each decidedly unpersuaded by their arguments. The New King James is weighed in the balances and found wanting. After years of careful work in the text of the KJV, I cannot support this advice.

He wrote only about a century after the KJV. Edification requires intelligibility. They wrote,. As nothing is begun and perfected at the same time, and the latter thoughts are thought to be the wiser: so, if we building upon their foundation that went before us, and being helped by their labours, do endeavour to make that better which they left so good, no man, we are sure, hath cause to mislike us; they, we persuade ourselves, if they were alive, would thank us.

I am certain that they would agree with me that, because of language change and other factors, the time for revision or replacement of the KJV has come. Too many plow boys around the English-speaking world, from Singapore to Canada to Kenya, are—because of language change—reading and memorizing KJV words that are unintelligible to them when contemporary equivalents are available.

The KJV is not entirely unintelligible , but it is sufficiently unintelligible to trip up even its most skillful defenders see no. Paul the apostle tells us in 1 Corinthians 14 that edification requires intelligibility. First Name. Last Name. I've been using this book as my main helper while preaching very slowly because very occasionally through the Sermon on the Mount Carson Grand Rapids: Baker, Don Carson's prose is elegant, and his pace is perfect.

He briskly moves the reader through a narrative of the conflict among evangelical Christians over so-called I appreciated your statement re. Does Hembd discuss at all Exodus ? For me this is the example par excellence where nobody in their right mind could possibly say the KJV is superior. I pray you, too, are safe.

Mark, I have enjoyed the comments between you and Paul. Good and helpful stuff. Just one comment. If they think the KJV is better, I would not expect them to use something else in public ministry.

I totally get this, Robert. As far as my experience can tell me, and there are no Gallup polls available to correct me here, every last man who prefers the TR also prefers the KJV. Is the text really the issue? I do disagree with his position on the KJV, but I took note that he used 1 Cor 14 as an argument for having the Bible in vernacular languages.

Brother, to be a little clearer, hopefully, what I meant about the disconnect is in applying your reasoning about TR defenders wanting an updated English translation. Is there any evidence that this is the reasoning of any TR defenders? It seems your search has turned up none, even though you expect there should be some. Really, I am not saying you are unreasonable to think that way, just questioning whether that it is appropriate to project on to TR defenders since they themselves have not.

Now I can see why you think that way. I have not done any extensive searching, but trust yours. The little searching I have done has turned up nothing. So, for him, it was a compromise. Just throwing this out, but it seems a likely possibility. Possibilities, all of which I think get a piece of the pie but leave room for other answers as well.

I hope this comes through more focused than my mind is right now, having several distractions flitting about. Excellent contributions, Robert. Would he be willing to contact me and tell me more? Mark, I appreciate this article. However, a light revision, fewer synonyms in the same passage for a single Greek word, etc. Bookmark the permalink. Duane says:.

See also Matthew KJV. Truth in Reality says:. Yes, thank you. Patrick Joseph Horn says:. Hans Grubberman says:. Comments are welcome Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. Name required. A KJV Site. Search for:. Please note Inclusion on this site does not imply agreement with or endorsement of anything said by that individual or organisation elsewhere, or any links therein.

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