So corn teeth zippers are mainly used for the high-end garments or luggage. SBS has been providing various metal zippers since its establishment in Our metal zippers stand out in a crowd of competitors. Learn more in this post 5 reasons why you should choose SBS metal zippers. There are two types available, including L teeth and A teeth.
Metal Zipper Swiss Teeth Corn Teeth Corn teeth zippers are featured with corn-like teeth placed on both sides of the tape at regular intervals. Previous article. Next article. They open in one direction. They have stopped at both ends so that the slider cannot go out of the chain. They can be purchased both as a complete unit and as a continuous chain. Continuous chains are available in the real form, and it can be cut to suggested length. Sliders and stoppers are also available what can be applied to the chain to form a complete unit during bulk production.
Exposed zippers: These zippers are visible from outside and are not hiding by fabric. Front zippers of some jackets are examples. Some ties exposed zippers extend aesthetic value to the zipper or to the garment. Enclosed or concealed zippers: Some zippers need to be not visible.
So they are covered by the fabric or a placket. This kind of zipper is common in skirts and dresses. Invisible zippers are usually one type of coil zippers.
Front zippers for trousers, jeans pants are often concealed zippers. A fly of the trousers covers the zipper. Waterproof Zipper: Waterproof zipper produced by nylon which exists high-density element to protect water. Price of these items is little bit more than other zipper items. You may like: Growing history of Zipper. Accessories Types of Zipper Materials Posted by on. Facebook Comments Box. Types of teeth of plastic zippers are much diverse compared to the metal ones.
There are spiral, toothed, ladder, or woven plastic zippers. Spiral plastic zippers can be made in two ways. With first, round plastic wire is notched before feeding it between two heated screws. Loops are made by those same screws and then those loops are heated with head maker to form heads.
Left spiral and right spiral of the stringers are made simultaneously on two machines so they would mach and could close. Second method makes both spirals at the same time at the same machine. Machine has a rotating forming wheel with notches that makes both loops on one notch.