And basically, some women are built with a wider pelvis and hips that can possibly make it easier for them to carry and birth a baby. Back in the s, researchers classified the pelvis into four shapes: gynecoid, anthropoid, android, and platypelloid.
Typically if you have a gynecoid pelvis, your pelvis is wide and shallow. Gynecoid happens to be a common pelvic shape, too. An anthropoid pelvis is another common shape. The difference, though, is that a gynecoid pelvis is wider from right to left. With an anthropoid pelvis, the hips are wider from front to back.
So if you have an anthropoid pelvic shape, you might carry most of your weight in your buttocks and abdomen. The shape of this pelvis is less open, so your labor might be longer and not as smooth as someone with a gynecoid pelvis. Android pelvis is typically seen in taller women and is characterized by smaller buttock muscles and a narrow pubic arch. As a result, it can be more difficult for babies — particularly larger babies — to pass through the pelvis during childbirth.
A platypelloid pelvis is also characterized by narrowness. This pelvic shape can also result in a slightly longer delivery since it can take your baby longer to enter the pelvis. The difference between this shape and android is that an android pelvis has a narrow pubic arch.
A platypelloid pelvis has a wider sub-pubic arch. Therefore, if you have a platypelloid pelvis, labor becomes easier once your baby enters the pelvis. While pelvic X-rays are no longer part of the prenatal checkup, your OB-GYN may examine your pelvis to get a sense of the structure.
As you get closer to your due date and labor begins, your pelvic floor will naturally relax and stretch in preparation for delivery. This happens when your body releases the hormone relaxin. BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world.
When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies. Merck Manual. Pelvic pain during early pregnancy. Pelvic girdle pain and pregnancy. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
Vermani E, et al. Pelvic girdle pain and low back pain in pregnancy: A review. Pain Practice 10 1 Join now to personalize. Find out how your pelvis changes during pregnancy and prepares your body for birth. Show transcript Your pelvis is made up of two large bones that form a basin with an opening in the bottom. Isn't your body amazing? Medically reviewed by Emily Hu, M. Sources BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world.
Next in this series 19 See all BabyCenter videos. How to extend your clothes during pregnancy. Skin: A woman's face, areolas, stomach and moles often darken during pregnancy, and might stay that way. An increase in estrogen is usually to blame. Butler Tobah said an easy way of telling if a woman has had a baby is to check her belly for a pregnancy line linea nigra , which usually fades after pregnancy but might never really go away.
The same goes for darkening of the central part of the face, often known as the mask of pregnancy. Stretch marks, scars from skin tears as skin expands, can also fade but might not go away. Hips: Bone structure can change after pregnancy, making women's hips slightly wider.
Added weight during pregnancy can also play a role.