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So, is making the upgrade worth it? Here are some of the most important features for developers in Xcode These updates provide quality of life and feature improvements for developers in Xcode and new end-user features that developers can utilize. See the Xcode Given the current state of the world, the feature that will get the most attention is a Face ID workaround for Apple Watch users who are wearing a mask, but iOS Privacy-related updates to the iOS If you need a Big Sur compatible build machine, you can quickly activate one at MacStadium.
Version 3. Old Style Removed - November 1, New Style Default - June 28, Enabled the new basemap style by default. You can still opt-out temporarily if you need time to modify your app to accommodate the new style. If you do, please follow Issue which contains the timeline for end of support of the previous basemap style. We will be posting updates there as they are available.
To opt-out, use the code snippet below. You must be using at least Version 2. If you had previously opted-in to the new basemap style, this should replace the code you added to opt-in. See the blog post for more information about the new style. Version 2. New Style Opt-In - February 13, Enabled opt-in for the new basemap style. To opt-in, use the code snippet below. This release introduces custom styling of the base map Issue You can use a JSON style declaration to create a GMSMapStyle instance and pass it to the mapStyle property, to change the visual display of features like roads, parks, businesses, and other points of interest.
You can use styling to emphasize particular components of the map, or make the map complement the style of your app. It is now possible to apply "night mode" to maps, by applying custom styles. Issue Business POIs represent businesses such as shops, restaurants, hotels, and more.
See the guide to points of interest. You can hide POIs on a map by using map styling. Utility library update - July 19, Features. Version 1. This version is exactly the same as 1. It was released to replace the removed 1. Notes - Setting GMSMapView selectedMarker to a marker not on the map is now ignored, always set the marker's map property before attempting to select it. Versions 1. There was also the option to install recent versions from a CocoaPods pod. From version 1.
Download version 1. Download Version 1. To maintain previous behavior, replace all references to the animated property as follows:. Changes to the GMSMarker. You can disable this animation with the following sample code. If you make use of either of these in your application, you will have to modify any existing code as follows:. Alternatively, you can position the image with a geographic bounds. The below code samples are equivalent. From this release, we recommend that you position your ground overlay by defining its south west and north east corners.
To upgrade to the most recent version of the SDK, do the following:. Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies.
Routes Directions API. Places Places API. Get Started Contact sales. Guides Reference Samples Support. Support for cloud-based styling paid feature - October 27, Support for cloud-based styling is generally available as of October 27, in SDK versions 5. Version 5. Bug fixes: Fixed an issue in the OpenGL renderer where marker images were drawn slightly smaller than intended. Known issues: Texture stamp images can appear distorted on polylines when using the OpenGL renderer Issue What do you need to do?
The background color of the map view has been slightly changed. Decommissions Support for iOS 11 will be dropped in an upcoming major version. The minimum OS is now ARMv7 bit architecture no longer supported.
Version 4. This version is functionally identical to v. Changes are coming in version 5. To avoid unexpected errors, be sure to specify a version number in your Podfile or Cartfile. This will ensure that your builds remain stable against a known version, and will not switch to the next major version until you are ready to update your code. In cases where two or more consecutive crashes are detected at initialization time, the SDK will attempt to restore functionality by automatically resetting cached map tile data.
The new minimum is iOS The new minimum version of Xcode is This allows Google to improve SDK stability when applicable. Bug fixes Fixed issue where apps would crash when resizing map view in some circumstances Issue Fixed issue where apps would crash when particular custom styles were used Issue Some types of camera move animations were skipped if initiated before the map view had gone through a layout cycle Issue Resolved Issues Fixed a long-standing intermittent crash on startup related to CoreData cache Issue Fixed a crashing bug that occurred occasionally when removing overlays from a map.
Improvements: Reduced the amount of work done when the map is hidden by other views to improve CPU usage. Fixes an issue where a crash could occur if markup entities were added to the map before the map was ready to draw.
The new minimum is iOS 9. Known Issues: There is an occasional rendering bug when using the polygon overlay feature. The opt-in and opt-out API options see below are no longer supported. Note: Support for Xcode 8. The new minimum is Xcode 9. Added a click listener to the My Location dot. This allows developers to respond to interactions with the My Location dot. Added a Source attribute to Panorama searches allowing them to be restricted to outdoor-only results.
Note that this feature is experimental and some searches may still include indoor panoramas Issue Improvements: Updated the default marker to match the new Google Maps marker. Resolved Issues: Fixed a compile error when the -Wobjc-property-no-attribute flag is used Issue Note: CoreImage has been added as a dependency. This property controls how safe area insets interact with padding. Issue , Issue Fixed an issue where setting either navigationLinksHidden or streetNamesHidden to YES still resulted in the navigation links and street names appearing.
These changes should generally give improved performance. Dropped support for iOS 7, which enabled the use of modern core data threading models. This means that applications should be able to use -com. ConcurrencyDebug 1 when debugging with iOS 10 devices. This property restricts the camera target to the specified bounds area.
Subsequent gestures are then also restricted to keep the camera target within the specified bounds. Improvements Fixes naming of certain enum cases in Swift. Resolved Issues Fixed an issue where the mapViewSnapshotReady delegate method was sometimes raised too early Issue Resolved a problem where changing any property of polygon, polyline or ground overlay in between taps would cause tap cycling to break.
This could make it seem impossible to tap through to items underneath. Fixed cameraForBounds:insets: to respect the currently set min and max zoom restrictions. See the quick guide to styling your map , using night mode as an example style.