Click this icon on the map to see the satellite view, which will dive in deeper into the inner workings of Oakwood. Feel free to download the PDF version of the Oakwood, TX map so that you can easily access it while you travel without any means to the Internet. If you are looking for directions to Oakwood, TX rather than an online map of all of the places that you are interested in visiting, you also have the option of finding and saving the directions for future use.
You are also able to narrow down your search by selecting only restaurants, for example, that way you can have a list of exactly what it is that you are searching for. You can also use our search box in order to locate any other places that you are interested in finding.
Some even offer tours that way you can get an in depth idea into all that they have to offer. In addition, Oakwood boasts many architecturally elaborate libraries that not only hold copious amounts of books, but also act as great studying spaces. However, whenever you are in the mood for a more dynamic activity, there are a number of different parks, athletic fields, and golf courses that you can visit.
In addition, however, you will also find the locations of the nearest airports. The railroad made Oakwood the leading cotton center in the area, and during the height of the cotton boom the town had three cotton gins. In its population reached a peak of 1, Oakwood suffered from the boll weevil and the Great Depression and began to decline in the early s. Its population diminished to in and continued to decline after World War II , dropping to by In Oakwood had a population of , eight businesses, a class-A high school, and nine churches.
In the community's population was reported as By the population dropped to For history buffs, or for those who just like trains, this historic railroad is sure to impress.
For those that love tasting wine, or just want to make an escape to the country, the Sabor a Pasion Estate and Vineyard is an excellent place to do this. This vineyard not only produces their own wine, they also have a top-rated, reservations-only, on-site restaurant that has some of the best, most unique food around for miles. This vineyard has a bed and breakfast for guests, and has a wedding reception venue too.
This estate is a must-see when passing through Oakwood or nearby Palestine, TX. If you are new to town or passing through, be sure to check out the city council, railroad station, or even the new Zipps liquor that opened in Oakwood this year. Have some activities you think we should share that are going on in Oakwood, TX? Skip to content.