A doctor can diagnose BV and rule out other infections, such as gonorrhea or trich. Some doctors recommend giving BV treatment to all women who will be undergoing a hysterectomy or termination, before the procedure, regardless of symptoms. Antibiotics are effective in up to 90 percent of cases, but BV often comes back again within a few weeks.
Metronidazole reacts with alcohol. The combination can make the patient feel very ill. Individuals taking metronidazole should not consume alcohol for at least 48 hours afterward. Clindamycin is an alternative antibiotic. It may be used if metronidazole is not effective, or if the infection recurs. When taking clindamycin, barrier contraception methods, such as latex condoms, diaphragms, and caps may be less effective. Tinidazole is another antibiotic that is sometimes used to treat BV if metronidazole does not work or if BV recurs.
It is taken by mouth as a single dose. Alcohol must be avoided when taking this medication. If symptoms resolve after completing a course of antibiotics, the woman will not have to be tested for BV again. Around 30 percent of women whose symptoms disappear with treatment will have a recurrence within 3 months, and 50 percent will have a recurrence within 6 months. This may be treated with a 7-day course of oral or vaginal metronidazole or clindamycin.
If the previous treatment was by mouth, vaginal treatment might work better the second time, and if the first treatment was vaginal, the follow-up treatment should be by mouth. If more than three episodes occur within 12 months, the doctor may prescribe a vaginal metronidazole gel to use twice a week for 3 to 6 months. The doctor may be able to diagnose BV from a description of symptoms and a physical examination. They will look out for an unpleasant smell and a thin, white or gray discharge.
She tells the nurse practitioner NP that she has been treated countless times for BV over the past several years, with temporary relief before the odor and discharge return. What additional information would be helpful for the NP to obtain? Bea tells the NP that she has been treated for BV 3 times in the past year, each time with oral metronidazole for 7 days. Her symptoms resolve for a month and then recur when she has a period. The odor is worse after sex.
Bea is married and in a monogamous relationship with her husband of 10 years and knows that BV is not a sexually transmitted infection STI , but she wonders whether he should be treated.
Bea admits to douching after sex sometimes to try to eliminate the odor. She is in good health overall, is of normal weight, does not smoke, and is on no medications. She has had no abnormal Pap test results and has never had an STI. Her husband had a vasectomy 3 years ago. They do not use condoms. A pelvic exam reveals a malodorous thin gray discharge at the vaginal introitus and adhering to the vaginal walls.
No erythema or lesions are noted. A potassium hydroxide KOH whiff test result is positive. Diagnosis based on identification of Gardnerella vaginalis on vaginal culture is insufficient; G. What is the recommended treatment plan? Print Archive. How to Treat: Rare disorders. Read more. Wednesday 27 October , AM. More How to Treat. Misunderstood: Delta drama for family of Leaked data shows hundreds of pregnant Northlanders unvaxed. GP relishes new change-maker role.
Digital health: The future has arrived. Pacific providers losing patience with healthcare officials. Early diagnosis and treatment can mean better outcomes. Tuesday 7 September , AM.
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View all galleries. The Bartholin glands are a pair of glands, near the opening of the vagina. If a duct from one of the gland gets blocked, fluids can build up…. A cyst may form if…. If you have vaginal atrophy, you may wonder if it can be reversed. With treatment, some women find that their symptoms improve. Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Medically reviewed by Alana Biggers, M. What is bacterial vaginosis BV?
What are the symptoms? What can help prevent BV from coming back again? The bottom line. Read this next. Bacterial Vaginosis vs.
Yeast Infection: Which Is It? Medically reviewed by Jill Seladi-Schulman, Ph. How Sanitary Are Bidets, Anyway? Medically reviewed by Debra Sullivan, Ph. Medically reviewed by Carolyn Kay, M. Bartholin Cyst Home Treatment. Medically reviewed by Gerhard Whitworth, R.