Why do people think atlantis is real

Moreover, the wall that surrounded the rings was built using red, white and black rock and was decorated with precious metals. This hill was surrounded by huge moats and pillars. The fable tells that Cleito had five pairs of twin sons with Poseidon, the eldest of which was named Atlas. The ten sons inherited the great city and the first child, Atlas, became the first ruler of Atlantis. However, it is believed they also built a huge temple for their father with a giant statue of Poseidon riding a chariot carried by winged horses.

The statue was completely built-in gold and placed in a temple with its spiral roof so high up that the clouds drifted through the spirals of the temple. The fertile and beautiful city of Atlantis, where half-god and half-human beings lived, is believed to have been a self-sufficient region where people grew their own food and reared animals.

Farmers in the city used to grow the crops in the fertile plains on the outskirts with the help of a well-maintained irrigation system.

They also built beautiful buildings and other architectures from materials like black and red stone. They also had access to rare metals and even alloys like brass made and used crystals extensively for leisure and experimental purposes and had a lot of free time to even play with volcanoes.

Other than the legend of the lost city of Atlantis and other fables, the fact about the city still remains unknown. Among historians and other researchers, the findings of Edgar Caycehad something different to tell.

He predicted a new land would appear off the east coast of North America. He also suggested that the souls of a number of people lived in Atlantis had been incarnating to America in order to usher in a new era of enlightened human consciousness. Stories also claim that the original inhabitants of the lost city of Atlantis are believed to be of extra-terrestrial origin who reached there about 50, years ago from the Lyrian star system.

As some claim that the Lost City of Atlantis was on Mars, or was just a colony of an alien civilization, the inhabitants of the Atlantis city are believed to have the possessors of exceptional powers such as the ability to control the weather, modify volcanic eruptions.

Some accounts also mention their possession of some sort of device that allowed them to channel energy from time and space. Even though the myth says that the inhabitants of Atlantis City were superior beings, there are some of the opinions that it is just a mythical representation of a barbaric fashion of life.

While many still consider the Lost City of Atlantis is just a legend, there are many conspiracy theories doing the rounds suggesting that the fable is actually based on real events. Ocean explorer Robert Ballard finds logic in the story as it has similarities with a massive volcanic eruption in the island of Santorini in the Aegean Sea near Greece. Ballard says a highly advanced society that lived there disappeared suddenly as happened with the Atlantis.

Similarly, Ignatius Donnelly also confirms the existence and disappearance of a mid-Atlantic continent that was in the exact location that Plato mentioned.

As the debate goes on, few researchers claimed that this utopian kingdom was a real continent located off the Bahamas and it was swallowed up by the Bermuda Triangle later, while another group suggested current Antarctica is the newer version of Atlantis. Meanwhile, James Romm, a professor at Bard College in Annandale in New York, says Plato himself created the story in order to convey some of his philosophical theories, mostly about his vision of an ideal civilization.

Data and charts, if used, in the article have been sourced from available information and have not been authenticated by any statutory authority. The author and Marine Insight do not claim it to be accurate nor accept any responsibility for the same. The views constitute only the opinions and do not constitute any guidelines or recommendation on any course of action to be followed by the reader.

The article or images cannot be reproduced, copied, shared or used in any form without the permission of the author and Marine Insight. Tags: atlantis. Journalist by training, and an academic in aspiration, Shamseer Mambra currently works as a freelance journalist, after spending three years in the newsrooms of some of the reputed media houses in India.

When not at work, he likes to read, click photographs and go for a ride on his bike. Atlantis is a extravagant study my photos and knowlege of the city is rapidly increasing. My team and I are so close. This information is actually very helpful. There is some evidence , though unconfirmed, that batteries and steam engines date back thousands of years, long before what we typically consider to be the modern technological age.

These discoveries open up the possibility that technological advances may have occurred much earlier than we previously expected. And, given the sporadic nature of the archaeological record, may escape our view.

Gavin Schmidt, director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, and Adam Frank, astrophysicist from the University of Rochester, met in to discuss the ways in which they might be able to discover the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations by measuring the sorts of planetary climate changes we see on Earth, on other worlds.

Their exploration resulted in a paper published in the International Journal of Astrobiology. That paper introduced the Silurian Hypothesis, a nod to a Doctor Who episode introducing a race of technologically advanced reptilians pre-dating human civilization. The central idea is that, given long enough time scales, evidence of technological societies vanishes. And the time scales need not be very long. The spotty nature of the geological record is such that evidence tends to disappear, with only small percentages surviving.

That said, there are signatures that might make themselves apparent to an explorer looking for the right things. Whether or not advanced societies, pre-dating our modern civilizations, existed on our planet remains an open question.

Sign Up For Free to View. Credit: Walt Disney Pictures. Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Science Behind the Fiction. Bats, bacteria, and brains: The science behind a zombie outbreak. Yes, it turns out if you die in a dream, you could die in real life.

No one tell Freddy. But one archaeologist said that the ruins likely belong to another ancient culture, and several researchers interviewed by Live Science could barely contain their exasperation when they heard the news of yet another Atlantis discovery.

People have made dozens of such claims over the years, locating the legendary society in Antarctica, Bolivia, Turkey, Germany, Malta, the Caribbean and elsewhere. And these guys, they have done just about everything they possibly can to set off my bullshit detector. It's debatable whether Atlantis even existed. Plato described the ancient society in about B. Atlantis served as the perfect example of a society that had become corrupted by its material wealth, advanced technology and military might.

Then, the gods destroyed Atlantis about 9, years ago in a cataclysmic event, Plato wrote. For centuries, scholars viewed Plato's writings on Atlantis as allegory. But that perspective changed in , when Minnesota's U. Since then, people have searched for the sunken remains of the city. The company, based in North Yorkshire, England, uses historical records and satellite data to find archaeological sites.

One is that 'This is great. Let's have a look at it,' and one will be 'That's a load of rubbish. The company's researchers chose to look for the site in Spain after reading Plato's two dialogues on Atlantis, Blackburn said. They also looked at another text, but Blackburn won't say which one. Text in these documents included Plato's descriptions that "in front of the mouth which you Greeks call, as you say, 'the pillars of Heracles,' there lay an island which was larger than Libya and Asia together.


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