Why is responsiveness important

Making it Easy to Respond Make sure the channels you use to reach out are open in a way that makes it easy for people to respond. Managing Expectations Everyone communicates differently and has different response expectations. Who can benefit from practicing Responsiveness? The professional skills software engineers need to develop a growth-mindset and become better leaders. The professional skills CEOs and people leaders need to build happier and stronger team culture.

The professional skills project managers need to develop a growth-mindset and become better leaders. The professional skills freelancers need to develop a growth-mindset and become better leaders. Improve your Responsiveness by exploring and developing these complementary skills. Listens and provides help for individuals or teams in an encouraging, sensitive manner.

Kudos and feedback made fun and effortless Free Forever. Add to Slack for Free! Watch free demo. Create a team culture in Slack you love being a part of! Recognize your team members with Kudos and feedback in Slack. It is vital that a company monitors the manner, speed, and efficiency of its customer responsiveness. Knowing how good or not, your company is, at perceiving customer needs and expectations will enable a company to enhance its abilities or do away with things that hold it back.

Such responsiveness, would in turn, elicit positive responses from your customers leading to a healthy and long-term relationship of a company with its customers. While there are obvious advantages of customer responsiveness, there are also some major disadvantages of a lack of such responsiveness.

Most importantly is a loss of customer trust and their ability to believe that your company is dedicated to serving their needs. No business can survive without the trust of customers, and ignoring them is a sure shot way to lose their trust. In addition, lack of customer responsiveness creates obstacles and disrupts the smooth flow of a business, and portrays the company in a poor light.

Faring poorly on customer responsiveness leads also to others incurring costs and facing inconvenience due to the laxity of a company. Customers would need to realign their business and search for new business partners — a waste of time, effort, and money for them too.

In addition, a break in a relationship owing to lack of customer responsiveness, could lead to stalling of projects, which would translate to loss of money and resources for customers making them extremely annoyed and vengeful towards a company. Customers do not like to face problems owing to incompetence of a company and would be extremely vocal in expressing their annoyance of the same through online channels, and especially social media.

Think through some of the possible problems that could pop up and make a plan for how to respond. You may not be able to prepare for every situation, but the act of thinking through potential crises will help you no matter what does arise.

Above all, responsiveness is an attitude. Stephanie completed her masters in public relations and corporate communications at Georgetown University in She lives outside Washington, DC with her two dogs.

Your email address will not be published. What are they doing differently? Whatever you are going to do, make it your own. Write down why you like them. Responsiveness in customer service also includes automation. Shep said he loves working with brands that send quick and automated notifications that an order was placed and then send relevant follow-ups.

Shep ranked the importance of customer insights a 12 on a point scale. Listen to your customers to see what they enjoy about your brand, what they want to buy and how they are feeling about their experience.

Read next: What are some disadvantages to customer feedback? When you rent a car, an immediate survey is sent: Is the car cleaned to your satisfaction?

If the rental company knows about this in the moment, they can fix it right then. And if there was a problem, I would have brought it up already. For companies, it is important to understand their customers, their problems — including the problems they experience with your company — and how to make their lives easier. Being more accessible can help you win the game of sales and customer retention, Shep said.

Simple means I now understand it. Like this article? Read more like it here. Skip to content. Uncover powerful consumer insights. Responsiveness in customer service matters, so why are some brands struggling? Christoph Trappe. Do you need a tow? We: want to buy something. Good and quick service like that really does stand out.


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