So there you have it, an MMA gym that is basically a cardio kickbox fitness gym and still advertises itself under the good name of MMA.
I myself wouldn't have believed that possible wouldn't I have seen that myself. So, does that mean MMA is "sketchy" now too? Because I have living proof. According to you, yes, because you use the exact same fallacy on Krav Maga. But we all know it isn't, and Black sheep exist everywhere.
Even in the "king" discipline of MMA. Who cares what others think or say about Krav Maga? It helped me to get fit, grow confidence, and I know I can save myself and my loved ones in a rough situation.
I also gained new friends, etc. Don't give a crap what others think. Sure, there are bad clubs, but the ever true saying can be applied here too: "Don't like? Go home! Because integrity of Krav Maga is crumbling the way of Karate. For those of us that make our livelihood Teaching and running gyms this is devastating. If people start believing Krav isnt a serious martial art it very well could end up like Karate as something you just take your kids to.
All the serious fighters leave when it becomes embarassing to tell people what you train. I hear you. I wasn't far far away with "sooner than later" :. This fixation on peoples perceived opinions of your hobby probably is not healthy. It may be valuable to take some time and reevaluate why you feel so strongly about this. Plus, I'm amazed at how often this has to be brought up - Krav is a system to take novices to being effective at self defence quickly.
It's not designed to teach you complicated techniques that will work against other martial artists. You will get your cheeks clapped by someone who has spent a lot of time training "better but harder to learn" techniques. People cross train when they top out the Krav curriculum.
They stay in Krav to improve the system. Not for them - Krav isn't directly useful for them anymore - but for new practitioners. I'd put money on the Krav practitioner for the first fifty hours of training, but not after that.
Basically no one spars with elbows, FYI. Check out Gabriel Varga, he literally did a video about this. He's a pro Kickboxer and actually went to Thailand and trained at 4 or 5 different gyms, with actual Thais. And he reported that they very well went full contact in sparring.
It's a myth actually, mostly from westerners who never went to Thailand, who say that Thais only spar light. Here's an essay by someone with more than pro fights in Thailand discussing sparring culture. Hard sparring happens but is confined to specific contexts, and even there:. Depends on the gym and level of fighter. In Thailand they do not spar a hard as they do in the Netherlands for example and certainly not close to a match injuring your fighter is a bad idea.
I wouldn't say it's a myth. Most gyms usually teach light or technical sparring; I wouldn't say hard sparring is prevalent in Thailand have been and trained, also train under and Ajahn from Thailand.
It's not completely absent, it's just not their goto. The Netherlands on the other hand spar like they're actually fighting crazy IMO. I also think Gabriel's experience training in Thailand is different from most normal people.
He is a pro fighter and some fighters may have been going harder in sparring than normal to prove a point. There's more than one kind of Dutch sparring. There are plenty of gyms that go hard to the body and legs but still take it easy on the head, which is a lot less nuts. A video where he says they go really hard in a pure boxing format - where they're not throwing kicks, let alone elbows. Each style has it's perks. I used to train krav in a gym next to a cardio workout "martial arts" gym.
They always had more people than us. We used to joke about converting them to a real fighting system, but few were even interesting in learning how to fight. They went there because they wanted cardio, not to get punched in the face a hundred times. Did we not discuss this yesterday?
You'll find shitty gyms for most arts but they're few and far between. In KM it seems like every second gym is shit. That's why KM is getting a bad reputation but those other arts maintain a good reputation. It was derived from the street-fighting experience of Hungarian-Israeli martial artist Imi Lichtenfeld, who made use of his training as a boxer and wrestler as a means of defending the Jewish quarter against fascist groups in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia in the mid-to-late s.
In the lates, following his migration to Israel, he began to provide lessons on combat training to what was to become the IDF. From the outset, the original concept of Krav Maga was to take the most simple and practical techniques of other fighting styles originally European boxing, wrestling and street fighting and to make them rapidly teachable to military conscripts. As a result, Krav Maga has built on its original base in Western boxing, wrestling and street fighting.
Krav Maga has a philosophy emphasizing aggression and simultaneous defensive and offensive maneuvers.