Post by Myndaira Quest while in dungeon queue. This is the quickest way I've found. Post by lonewarrior If you already have leveled a toon to 85 you probably would have known already so I am going to assume this is your first toon. Even with the most efficient leveling method applied, how much time do you think your really going to save that will matter in the overall scheme of things.
Take the road you find most appealing and go. Once I got to about 83 I quit queuing for dungeons and did strictly questing.
Don't put too much time into dungeons It took me between two and three weeks each of casual, but regular, play to get from 70 to I'm guessing it could be done in a week if you have a full time job, but go at it hard.
Post by lankybrit Once you get to Hyjal all quests Deephom until you hit 83 Uldum all quests Twilight Highlands until 85 Note that you may not be able to queue for dungeons until about level 82 because you won't meet the iLvL requirements. Post by Trackline If you can tank at all Dungeon queues are way faster then questing. Unless you get a bunch of bad groups. Post by nuckingfutz Once you get to Hyjal all quests Deephom until you hit 83 Uldum all quests Twilight Highlands until 85 Note that you may not be able to queue for dungeons until about level 82 because you won't meet the iLvL requirements.
I would disagree with this if the OP is planning on any serious PvE at endgame, because Therazane is one of the more important rep factions due to the enchants. If you're just a casual player, or plan to mainly PvP, then yeah. But if you plan on getting into raiding, I'd do all of Deepholm and possibly even skip Uldum entirely. Post by Squishalot Archaeology is remarkably effective for levelling.
Post by Thandion Archaeology is remarkably effective for levelling. I have to agree. Perhaps not the most efficient way, but 7k of normal xp per find at level 75 isn't too bad. If this makes you take longer to get to , so what?
Pick the one that seems fun. Pick up the secondary professions like fishing and archaeology and try them out. They are time sinks. The guys making tons of gold in wow are doing it by playing the AH: buy low, sell high. WOW is like a real life… you enjoy things a long the way. You do not ask yourself about the purpose of living this life everyday. So, you do the same thing in WOW. It will be all over the place for months. But if you have one questioned… you start looking online answer.
There are 7 new level zones in total which contain plenty quest for you to complete to reach level Horde will begin on the Northern side of the map and Alliance will begin on the Southern side. Even though this is a shared neutral town like Shattrath and Dalaran there are no guards that will protect you from PVP so players in PVP servers beware.
There are 7 new level zones in total for you to level up fast from 85 to 90 which contain plenty quest for you to complete to reach level If you have interest,take a look at this site you can also find useful wow mop news there. Go to content Go to menu.