In the definition of the core concepts we simply note that the semantics in such cases is not defined. WS-BPEL takes it as a general principle that compliant implementations MAY choose to perform static analysis to detect and reject process definitions that may have undefined semantics. Such analysis is necessarily pessimistic and therefore might in some cases prevent the use of processes that would not, in fact, create situations with undefined semantics, either in specific uses or in any use.
These cases will be described as part of the Extensions for Executable Processes in the specification. However, it is important to note that WS-BPEL uses exactly one standard internal fault for its core control semantics, namely, bpws:joinFailure.
Of course, the occurrence of faults specified in WSDL portType definitions during web service invocation is accounted for in the core concepts as well.
Before describing the structure of business processes in detail, this section presents a simple example of a WS-BPEL process for handling a purchase order. The aim is to introduce the most basic structures and some of the fundamental concepts of the language.
The operation of the process is very simple, and is represented in the following figure. Dotted lines represent sequencing. Free grouping of sequences represents concurrent sequences. Solid arrows represent control links used for synchronization across concurrent activities. It is used here informally as an aid to understanding. On receiving the purchase order from a customer, the process initiates three tasks concurrently: calculating the final price for the order, selecting a shipper, and scheduling the production and shipment for the order.
While some of the processing can proceed concurrently, there are control and data dependencies between the three tasks. In particular, the shipping price is required to finalize the price calculation, and the shipping date is required for the complete fulfillment schedule. When the three tasks are completed, invoice processing can proceed and the invoice is sent to the customer. Other WSDL definitions required by the business process are included in the same WSDL document for simplicity; in particular, the portTypes for the Web Services providing price calculation, shipping selection and scheduling, and production scheduling functions are also defined there.
Observe that there are no bindings or service elements in the WSDL document. A WS-BPEL process is defined "in the abstract" by referencing only the portTypes of the services involved in the process, and not their possible deployments.
Defining business processes in this way allows the reuse of business process definitions over multiple deployments of compatible services.
The partner link types included at the bottom of the WSDL document represent the interaction between the purchase order service and each of the parties with which it interacts see Partner Link Types, Partner Links, and Endpoint References. Partner link types can be used to represent dependencies between services, regardless of whether a WS-BPEL business process is defined for one or more of those services. Each partner link type defines up to two "role" names, and lists the portTypes that each role must support for the interaction to be carried out successfully.
In this example, two partner link types, "purchasingLT" and "schedulingLT", list a single role because, in the corresponding service interactions, one of the parties provides all the invoked operations: The "purchasingLT" partner link represents the connection between the process and the requesting customer, where only the purchase order service needs to offers a service operation "sendPurchaseOrder" ; the "schedulingLT" partner link represents the interaction between the purchase order service and the scheduling service, in which only operations of the latter are invoked.
The two other partner link types, "invoicingLT" and "shippingLT", define two roles because both the user of the invoice calculation and the user of the shipping service the invoice or the shipping schedule must provide callback operations to enable asynchronous notifications to be asynchronously sent "invoiceCallbackPT" and "shippingCallbackPT" portTypes.
The business process for the order service is defined next. There are four major sections in this process definition:. Variables allow processes to maintain state data and process history based on messages exchanged. The four partnerLinks shown here correspond to the sender of the order customer , as well as the providers of price invoicingProvider , shipment shippingProvider , and manufacturing scheduling services schedulingProvider.
Each partner link is characterized by a partner link type and a role name. This information identifies the functionality that must be provided by the business process and by the partner service for the relationship to succeed, that is, the portTypes that the purchase order process and the partner need to implement. It is important to note, however, that because WSDL 1. The major elements of this description are explained in the section following the process definition.
It provides only a brief overview; the details of each language construct are described in the rest of this document. This attribute specifies the default XML query language used for selection of nodes in assignment, property definition, and other uses. The default value for this attribute is: "urn:oasis:names:tc:wsbpel This attribute specifies the expression language used in the process. This attribute determines whether the joinFailure fault will be suppressed for all activities in the process.
The effect of the attribute at the process level can be overridden by an activity using a different value for the attribute. The default for this attribute is "no" at the process level. When this attribute is not specified for an activity, it inherits its value from its closest enclosing activity or from the process if no enclosing activity specifies this attribute. A process definition that violates this condition MUST be detected and rejected by static analysis.
This attribute specifies whether the process being defined is abstract rather than executable. The default for this attribute is "no". The token " activity " can be any of the following:. If the portType attribute is included for readability, the value of the portType attribute MUST match the portType value implied by the combination of the specified partnerLink and the role implicitly specified by the activity See also partnerLink description in the next section.
The syntax of the assignment activity is:. The construct has a variables attribute, which points to the variables being validated. The syntax of the validate activity is:. Exactly one of the expiration criteria must be specified. This is useful for synchronization of concurrent activities, for instance. New activities can be introduced for use in BPEL by placing them inside of the extensionActivity element.
When one of these triggers occurs, the associated activity is performed and the pick completes. Links can be used within concurrent activities to define arbitrary control structures. This construct can be invoked only from within a fault handler or another compensation handler. Note that the " standard-attributes " referred to above are:.
WS-BPEL contains constructs that are generally sufficient for expressing abstract and executable business processes.
The previously defined ignore semantics make it possible to add optional attributes or elements to BPEL that can be safely ignored if not recognized. In the case of unsupported mandatory extensions see section The same syntax pattern and semantic rules for extensions of core BPEL constructs are applied to these extensions as well.
Tool-implementation specific information e. Process definitions also rely on other constructs such as partner link types, variable properties and property aliases defined later in this specification which are defined within WSDL 1.
The namespace attribute specifies the URI namespace of the imported definitions. The location attribute contains a URI indicating the location of a document that contains relevant definitions in the namespace specified. The importType attribute identifies the type of document being imported by providing the URI of the encoding language. As noted in the introduction, the interaction model that is directly supported by WSDL is essentially a stateless client-server model of synchronous or uncorrelated asynchronous interactions.
However, WS-BPEL business processes represent stateful long-running interactions in which each interaction has a beginning, defined behavior during its lifetime, and an end. For example, in a supply chain, a seller's business process might offer a service that begins an interaction by accepting a purchase order through an input message, and then returns an acknowledgement to the buyer if the order can be fulfilled.
It might later send further messages to the buyer, such as shipping notices and invoices. The seller's business process remembers the state of each such purchase order interaction separately from other similar interactions. This is necessary because a buyer might be carrying on many simultaneous purchase processes with the same seller. In short, a WS-BPEL business process definition can be thought of as a template for creating business process instances. The creation of a process instance in WS-BPEL is always implicit; activities that receive messages that is, receive activities and pick activities can be annotated to indicate that the occurrence of that activity causes a new instance of the business process to be created.
This is done by setting the createInstance attribute of such an activity to "yes". When a message is received by such an activity, an instance of the business process is created if it does not already exist see Providing Web Service Operations and Pick. To be instantiated, each business process must contain at least one such "start activity. See section If more than one start activity is enabled concurrently, then all such activities MUST share at least one common correlation set see Correlation and the Multiple Start Activities example.
If a process contains exactly one start activity then the use of. This includes a pick with multiple onMessage branches; each such branch can use different correlation sets or no correlation sets. In this case the termination is normal. In this case the termination is considered abnormal even if the fault is handled and the fault handler does not rethrow any fault. A compensation handler is never installed for a scope that terminates abnormally.
In this case the termination is abnormal. If the process instance reaches the end of its behavior, and one or more receive activities remain open, then the status of the instance becomes undefined. This condition indicates a modeling error that was not detected by static analysis.
The example makes the implicit assumption that the customer request can be processed in a reasonable amount of time, justifying the requirement that the invoker wait for a synchronous response because this service is offered as a request-response operation.
When that assumption does not hold, the interaction with the customer is better modeled as a pair of asynchronous message exchanges. In that case, the "sendPurchaseOrder" operation is a one-way operation and the asynchronous response is sent by invoking a second one-way operation on a customer "callback" interface.
In addition to changing the signature of "sendPurchaseOrder" and defining a new portType to represent the customer callback interface, two modifications need to be made in the preceding example to support an asynchronous response to the customer. First, the partner link type "purchasingLT" that represents the process-customer connection needs to include a second role "customer" listing the customer callback portType.
The synchronization dependencies between activities in the three concurrent sequences are expressed by using "links" to connect them. The links are defined inside the flow and are used to connect a source activity to a target activity.
In the absence of links, the activities nested directly inside a flow proceed concurrently. In the example, however, the presence of two links introduces control dependencies between the activities performed inside each sequence. For example, while the price calculation can be started immediately after the request is received, shipping price can only be added to the invoice after the shipper information has been obtained; this dependency is represented by the link named "ship-to-invoice" that connects the first call on the shipping provider "requestShipping" with sending shipping information to the price calculation service "sendShippingPrice".
Likewise, shipping scheduling information can only be sent to the manufacturing scheduling service after it has been received from the shipper service; thus the need for the second link "ship-to-scheduling". Observe that information is passed between the different activities in an implicit way through the sharing of globally visible data variables.
In this example, the control dependencies represented by links are related to corresponding data dependencies, in one case on the availability of the shipper rates and in another on the availability of a shipping schedule. The information is passed from the activity that generates it to the activity that uses it by means of two global data variables "shippingInfo" and "shippingSchedule".
Certain operations can return faults, as defined in their WSDL definitions. For simplicity, it is assumed here that the two operations return the same fault "cannotCompleteOrder". Finally, it is important to observe how an assignment activity is used to transfer information between data variables. The simple assignments shown in this example transfer a message part from a source variable to a message part in a target variable, but more complex forms of assignments are also possible.
A very important, if not the most important, use case for WS-BPEL will be in describing cross-enterprise business interactions in which the business processes of each enterprise interact through Web Service interfaces with the processes of other enterprises.
An important requirement for realistic modeling of business processing in this environment is the ability to model the required relationship with a partner process. WSDL already describes the functionality of a service provided by a partner, at both the abstract and concrete levels. The relationship of a business process to a partner is typically peer-to-peer, requiring a two-way dependency at the service level.
In other words, a partner represents both a consumer of a service provided by the business process and a provider of a service to the business process. This is especially the case when the interactions are based on asynchronous messaging rather than on remote procedure calls. The notion of Partner links is used to directly model peer-to-peer conversational partner relationships.
Partner links define the shape of a relationship with a partner by defining the message and port types used in the interactions in both directions. However, the actual partner service may be dynamically determined within the process.
It is important to emphasize that the notions of partner link and endpoint reference used here are preliminary. The specification for these concepts as they relate to Web Services is still evolving, and we expect normative definitions for them to emerge in future. A partner link type characterizes the conversational relationship between two services by defining the "roles" played by each of the services in the conversation and specifying the portType provided by each service to receive messages within the context of the conversation.
The following example illustrates the basic syntax of a partner link type declaration:. In the common case, portTypes of the two roles originate from separate namespaces. However, in some cases, both roles of a partner link type can be defined in terms of portTypes from the same namespace.
The latter situation occurs for partner link types that define "callback" relationships between services. The partner link type definition can be a separate artifact independent of either service's WSDL document. Alternatively, the partner link type definition can be placed within the WSDL document defining the portTypes from which the different roles are defined.
The extensibility mechanism of WSDL 1. This allows reuse of the WSDL target namespace specification and, more importantly, its import mechanism to import portTypes. For cases where a partnerLinkType declaration is linking the portTypes of two different services, the partnerLinkType declaration can be placed in a separate WSDL document with its own targetNamespace. This defines a partner link type in the namespace indicated by the value of the "targetNamespace" attribute of the WSDL document element.
Note that in some cases it can be meaningful to define a partner link type containing exactly one role instead of two. That defines a partner linking scenario where one service expresses a willingness to link with any other service, without placing any requirements on the other service. Examples of partnerLinkType declarations are found in various business process examples in this specification.
Each partner link is characterized by a partnerLinkType. More than one partner link can be characterized by the same partnerLinkType. For example, a certain procurement process might use more than one vendor for its transactions, but might use the same partnerLinkType for all vendors.
Each partnerLink is named, and this name is used for all service interactions via that partnerLink. This is critical, for example, in correlating responses to different partnerLinks for simultaneous requests of the same kind see Invoking Web Service Operations and Providing Web Service Operations.
The role of the business process itself is indicated by the attribute myRole and the role of the partner is indicated by the attribute partnerRole. In the degenerate case where a partnerLinkType has only one role, one of these attributes is omitted as appropriate.
Before operations on a partner's service can be invoked via a partnerLink, the binding and communication data for the partner service must be available. The relevant information about a partner service can be set as part of business process deployment. However, it is also possible to select and assign actual partner services dynamically, and WS-BPEL provides the mechanisms to do so via assignment of endpoint references.
In fact, because the partners are likely to be stateful, the service endpoint information needs to be extended with instance-specific information. WS-BPEL allows the endpoint references implicitly present in partnerLinks to be both extracted and assigned dynamically, and also to be set more than once.
See Assignment for the mechanisms used for dynamic assignment of endpoint references to partner services. The attribute has no affect on the partnerRole's value after its initialization. A partnerLink can be declared within a process or scope element. The name of a partnerLink should be unique amongst the names of all partnerLinks defined within the same immediately enclosing scope. This requirement MUST be statically enforced.
Access to partnerLink follows common lexical scoping rules, similar to the rules for variables. A partnerLink resolves to the nearest enclosing scope, regardless of the type of the partnerLink. The lifecyle of a partnerLink is same as the lifecycle of the scope declaring the partnerLink. The initial binding information of a partnerLink can be set as a part of business process deployment, regardless whether it is declared on the process or scope element level.
WSDL makes an important distinction between portTypes and ports. PortTypes define abstract functionality by using abstract messages.
Ports provide actual access information, including communication service endpoints and by using extension elements other deployment related information such as public keys for encryption. Bindings provide the glue between the two. While the user of a service must be statically dependent on the abstract interface defined by portTypes, some of the information contained in port definitions can typically be discovered and used dynamically.
The fundamental use of endpoint references is to serve as the mechanism for dynamic communication of port-specific data for services. An endpoint reference makes it possible in WS-BPEL to dynamically select a provider for a particular type of service and to invoke their operations. WS-BPEL provides a general mechanism for correlating messages to stateful instances of a service, and therefore endpoint references that carry instance-neutral port information are often sufficient.
However, in general it is necessary to carry additional instance-identification tokens in the endpoint reference itself. Every partner role in a partnerLink in a WS-BPEL process instance is assigned a unique endpoint reference in the course of the deployment of the process or dynamically by an activity within the process.
This container is used as envelope to wrap around the actual endpoint reference value, when a WS-BPEL process interacts the endpoint reference of a partnerLink. It provides pluggability of different versions of service endpoint referencing schemes being used within a BPEL program. The design pattern here is similar to those of expression language, also known as open-content models. Most likely, the URI of reference scheme and the namespace URI of the child element of bpws:service-ref are not necessarily the same.
The optional attribute supplies further information to disambiguate the usage of the content. One example would be: different treatments of wsdl:service element, if wsdl:service is used as the endpoint reference. If that attribute is not specified, use the namespace URI of the content element within the wrapper to determine the reference scheme of service endpoint. If the attribute is specified, use the URI as the reference scheme of service endpoint and treat the content element within the wrapper accordingly.
When the BPEL container fails to interpret the combination of the "reference-scheme" attribute and the content element OR just the content element alone, a standard fault "bpws:unsupportedReference" must be thrown.
For example, when people try to do an assignment from the endpoint reference of myRole of partnerLink-A to that of partnerRole of partner-B. The data in a message consists conceptually of two parts: application data and protocol relevant data, where the protocols can be business protocols or infrastructure protocols providing higher quality of service.
An example of business protocol data is the correlation tokens that are used in correlation sets see Correlation. Examples of infrastructure protocols are security, transaction, and reliable messaging protocols. The business protocol data is usually found embedded in the application-visible message parts, whereas the infrastructure protocols almost always add implicit extra parts to the message types to represent protocol headers that are separate from application data.
Such implicit parts are often called message context because they relate to security context, transaction context, and other similar middleware context of the interaction. Business processes might need to gain access to and manipulate both kinds of protocol-relevant data. The notion of message properties is defined as a general way of naming and representing distinguished data elements within a message, whether in application-visible data or in message context.
For a full accounting of the service description aspects of infrastructure protocols, it is necessary to define notions of service policies, endpoint properties, and message context. This work is outside the scope of. Message properties are defined here in a sufficiently general way to cover message context consisting of implicit parts, but the use in this specification focuses on properties embedded in application-visible data that is used in the definition of business protocols and abstract business processes.
Message properties are an instance of a more generic mechanism, variable properties. All variables in BPEL can have properties defined on them. Using properties a BPEL process can isolate its variable initialization logic in one place and then set and get properties on that variable in order to manipulate it. A property definition creates a globally unique name and associates it with an XML Schema type.
The intent is not to create a new type. The intent is to create a name that has greater significance than the type itself. For example, a sequence number can be an integer, but the integer type does not convey this significance, whereas a globally named sequence-number property does.
Properties can occur anywhere in a variable. For example, a social security number might be used to identify an individual taxpayer in a long-running multiparty business process regarding a tax matter. A social security number can appear in many different message types, but in the context of a tax-related process it has a specific significance as a taxpayer ID. Therefore a global name is given to this use of the type by defining a property, as in the following example:.
In correlation, the property name must have global significance to be of any use. Properties such as price, risk, response latency, and so on, which are used in conditional behavior in a business process, have similar global and public significance. It is likely that they will be mapped to multiple messages, and therefore they need to be globally named as in the case of correlation properties.
Such properties are essential, especially in abstract processes. The name is intended to identify a certain kind of value, often with an implied semantic. Any variable the property is available on is therefore expected to provide a value that meets not just the syntax of the property definition but also its semantics.
The syntax for a property definition is a new kind of WSDL definition as follows:. Either the type or element attributes MUST be present but not both. Properties used in business protocols are typically embedded in application-visible message data. The notion of aliasing is introduced to map a global property to a field in a specific message part or a value in a XML variable.
The property name becomes an alias for the message part and location or XML variable value, and can be used as such in Expressions and Assignment in abstract business processes. As an example, consider the following WSDL message definition:.
The definition of a global property and its location in a particular field of the message are shown in the next WSDL fragment:. The bpws:propertyAlias defines a globally named property tns:taxpayerNumber as an alias for a location in the identification part of the message type txmsg:taxpayerInfo. Properties used in business protocols are typically embedded in application-visible variables. The notion of aliasing is introduced to map a global property to a field in a specific message part or variable value.
The first bpws:propertyAlias defines a globally named property tns:taxpayerNumber as an alias for a location in the identification part of the message type txmsg:taxpayerInfo. The second bpws:propertyAlias provides a second definition for the same globally named property tns:taxpayerNumber but this time as an alias for a location inside of the element txtyp:taxPayerInfoElem. The presence of both aliases means that it is possible to retrieve the social security number from both a variable holding a message of messageType txmsg:taxpayerInfo as well as an element defined using txtyp:taxPayerInfoElem.
The syntax for a propertyAlias definition is:. A property alias element MUST use one of the three following combinations of attributes:.
The part attribute and query element is applied against the BPEL messageType variable to either set or get the property variable in the same way that the part attribute and query element are used in the first from and to specs in copy assignments.
Please see Assignment for details. If a propertyAlias is used with a type attribute then the property MUST be available on all BPEL variables where the qname value used in the type attribute on the declaration of both the variable and the propertyAlias are identical.
The query is applied against the BPEL variable to either set or get the property variable in the same way that the query is used in the first from and to specs in copy assignments when applied against BPEL variables defined using a type.
If a propertyAlias is used with an element attribute then the property MUST be available on all BPEL variables where the qname value used in the element attribute on the declaration of both the variable and the propertyAlias are identical. The query is applied against the BPEL variable to either set or get the property variable in the same way that the query is used in the first from and to specs in copy assignments when applied against BPEL variables defined using an element definition.
The same logic would prohibit having two propertyAliases on the same element qname and property name value or two propertyAliases on the same type qname and property name value.
Business processes model stateful interactions. The state involved consists of messages received and sent as well as other relevant data such as time-out values. The maintenance of the state of a business process requires the use of state variables, which are called variables in WS-BPEL. Furthermore, the data from the state needs to be extracted and combined in interesting ways to control the behavior of the process, which requires data expressions.
Finally, state update requires a notion of assignment. The XML family of standards in these areas is still evolving, and using the process-level attributes for query and expression languages provides for the incorporation of future standards. The extensions required for abstract and executable processes are concentrated in the datahandling feature set. Executable processes are permitted to use the full power of data selection and assignment but are not permitted to use nondeterministic values.
Abstract processes are restricted to limited manipulation of values contained in variable properties but are permitted to use nondeterministic values to reflect the consequences of hidden private behavior. Detailed differences are specified in the following sections. Editor note: re-arranging the order of this section later for ease of tracking for this version WS-BPEL uses several types of expressions.
The kinds of expressions used are as follows relevant usage contexts are listed in parentheses :. The language is specified by the expressionLanguage attribute of the process element. XPath 1. Given an expression language, it must be possible to query data from variables, to extract property values, and to query the status of links from within expressions.
This specification defines those functions for XPath 1. The rest of this section is specific to XPath 1. The prefix " bpws: " is associated with this namespace. Any qualified names used within XPath expressions are resolved by using namespace declarations currently in scope in the WS-BPEL document at the location of the expression. The previous requirement MUST be statically enforced. Note that the previous requirement institutes a restriction which does not exist in the XPath standard.
This function extracts global property values from variables. The first argument names the source variable for the data and the second is the qualified name QName of the global property to select from that variable see Variable Properties.
If the referenced property is not defined or if there does not exist a propertyAlias to associate the property with the referenced variable then the semantics of the process is undefined. The return value of this function is calculated by applying the appropriate propertyAlias for the requested property to the current value of the submitted variable.
The syntax of XPath 1. These are expressions that conform to the XPath 1. Note that XPath 1. As such, none of the built-in functions of XPath 1. However, it is possible to write a constant literal that conforms to XML Schema definitions and use that as a deadline value or to extract a field from a variable part of one of these types and use that as a deadline value.
The preceding discussion about XPath 1. Editor note: re-arranging the order of this section later for ease of tracking for this version Business processes specify stateful interactions involving the exchange of messages between partners.
The state of a business process includes the messages that are exchanged as well as intermediate data used in business logic and in composing messages sent to partners. Variables provide the means for holding messages that constitute the state of a business process. The messages held are often those that have been received from partners or are to be sent to partners.
Variables can also hold data that are needed for holding state related to the process and never exchanged with partners. The syntax of the variables declaration is:. The name of a variable MUST be unique amongst the names of all variables defined within the same immediately enclosing scope. V ariable access follows common lexical scoping rules.
A variable resolves to the nearest enclosing scope, regardless of the type of the variable. The messageType , type or element attributes are used to specify the type of a variable. Exactly one of these attributes must be used.
Attribute type refers to an XML Schema type simple or complex. Attribute element refers to an XML Schema element. Using [Infoset] terminology, the infoset for a BPEL element variable consists of a document information item DII that contains exactly one child, an element information item EII which is pointed at by the document element property. The EII is the value of the element variable.
However the children of the document element MUST exclusively consist of a series of character information items CharIIs that represent the simpleType value. Boolean in XPath 1. A variable can optionally be initialized by using an in-line from-spec.
This section provides an introduction to the BPEL process service component in the design environment. In the Application Name dialog, enter an application name in the Application Name field. In the Directory field, enter a directory path in which to create the SOA composite application and project. Provide the required details including BPEL process name.
Two processes with the same name, but with different capitalization for example, SayHello and sayhello. For a descriptions of these sections, see Section 2. Activities are the building blocks of a BPEL process service component.
You then double-click an activity to define its attributes property values. Activities enable you to perform specific tasks within a BPEL process service component. For example, here are several key activities:. An assign activity enables you to manipulate data, such as copying the contents of one variable to another.
Figure shows an assign activity. An invoke activity enables you to invoke a service identified by its partner link and specify an operation for this service to perform.
Figure shows an invoke activity. A receive activity waits for an asynchronous callback response message from a service. Figure shows a receive activity. Figure shows an example of a property window for this example, an invoke activity. In this example, you invoke a partner link named StoreFrontService and define its attributes.
The invoke activity enables you to specify an operation you want to invoke for the service identified by its partner link. The operation can be one-way or request-response on a port provided by the service. You can also automatically create variables in an invoke activity. An invoke activity invokes a synchronous service or initiates an asynchronous web service. The invoke activity opens a port in the process to send and receive data.
It uses this port to submit required data and receive a response. Using a database query to provide an endpoint address The BPEL service does a dynamic addressing invocation, with the address coming from a database. Each of these options is explained in more detail in the advanced section of this book.
To assign the EPR to a partner link, use the message variable. In the target tree on the right, find the partner link to which you want to deliver a new concrete part. The address of the web-service can be defined in terms of different schemas, and the JBI container requires a special data type called ServiceRefType which is a simple wrapper for any endpoint-describing data type.
A new concrete part is assigned to the partner link. When the WS-Addressing schema is used for the first time it is copied from NetBeans global catalog to the BPEL Module project source root and further the project refers to the local copy of the schema. The adressing.
Using the Partner Link Element Partner Link elements identify the parties that interact with your business process. Partner Link Types and Roles The type determines the relationship between a process and its partners by defining the roles played by each service in a conversation.
It is defined in the process BPEL file. My Role : Indicates the role of the business process itself. Partner Pole : Indicates the role of the partner. You can choose whether to use the existing partner link type or create a new partner link type. Specify the partner link type name. Specify the role name. Choose the port type from the drop-down list. Partner Link Layout The partner links are placed in the left and right margins of the process diagram.
Dynamic Partner Links and Dynamic Addressing During the design-time of an application, you may need to configure certain services whose endpoints addresses are not known beforehand, or it may be necessary to change an endpoint reference while the application is running.