Does anyone play fear 2 multiplayer

We used to play almost every day but the situation has changed which means it is hard to find players in Tunngle but the multiplayer is not dead yet. I have sent you a friend invite. Originally posted by Specimen 6 :. Can we deathmatch? Brian View Profile View Posts. Originally posted by MonsterdangerPSp l kickback. I think multiplayer is dead, but game will live forever, because this is awesome!

Originally posted by fox. What is it? First-person horror exploring the troubled memories and psyche of a classical Hollywood actor. A brigade of mindless mannequins blocking your path, ghouls crawling out of televisions, and a susurrus of whispers drifting down the dank corridors of a cargo vessel.

Layers of Fear 2 exhibits a wide knowledge of these tropes, and of cinema history, but it fails to coagulate them into its own identity. It starts off promisingly, as you arrive on a lavish early 20th century cruise liner to shoot a movie. The game stretches across a protracted five acts, the middle three of which you spend mostly in flashback as a young version of yourself, running around drab environments that make your school boiler room look and feel like a high-viz '90s rave.

You glide across steely walkways and decrepit wooden homesteads, stumbling upon mannequin-populated scenes, items that trigger voice-over dialogue between you and your troubled family, and the occasional chase from a monster that looks inexplicably… genitalian. Layers of Fear 2 has visually evocative moments, with the early game filled with optical illusions that make you see spectral figures in your peripheral vision, and environments that do subtle switcheroos behind your back to disorient you.

Showing 1 - 9 of 9 comments. ENS clan hosts F. Everyone is invited! Well i got a problem, i have win 8, and every time i tries to install, the driver is not compatible with win 8.

Antal View Profile View Posts. Too many cheaters xD :steammocking. Last edited by Antal ; 30 Sep, am. Originally posted by inter 2 :. Originally posted by derike2 :.


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