How long before they start missing you? Unless of course that space is quickly filled with someone else, or had already been filled before the break-up. How long it takes for an ex to miss you varies from individual to individual. Some people immediately, and others it happens gradually. They missed what was good about the relationship, and by inference missed their ex. Some exes reach out because they miss you and want you back.
They just want to be friends. You might not need stitches or an ice pack, but a little self-compassion can go a long way toward healing your pain. Treating yourself with kindness by practicing good self-care can help you make it through this adjustment period more easily.
Ignoring the pain of missing someone might seem like a good way to get rid of it, but avoidance usually has the opposite effect. Emotions are persistent, and the distress you thought you buried can come bubbling back up, at times when you feel unprepared to confront it.
Who wants to experience pain? Yet research from suggests that accepting negative emotions may help relieve the distress they can cause. Avoiding them, on the other hand, could contribute to worsened mental health symptoms, including depression.
Instead, find some quiet time where you can investigate your feelings :. Yet other friends and loved ones can offer compassion, empathy, and other emotional support.
They can simply listen or distract you by suggesting activities that take your mind off your loneliness. Spending time with others also reminds you to cherish other social connections and relationships. Participating in social activities and community groups can also help relieve loneliness and lead to new connections.
Though spending time with others may not ease your longing entirely, companionship can still help lift your spirits — if you let it. Hobbies and other enjoyable activities can provide positive distractions that help you cope with the pain of missing someone until it starts to fade. It may help more to focus on your own interests for now rather than previously shared hobbies.
When the sting of their absence is still fresh, you might find it tough to go it alone on things you used to do together. Time might seem to drag, making it difficult to turn your attention toward anything else as you count the days. Chatting via text messages, telephone, and video chat may not bring the same feelings of fulfillment as face-to-face interaction, but virtual interaction can help you feel more connected as you wait out the separation.
Handwritten letters might seem old-fashioned, but they offer a great way to share feelings. Toss their sweater over the back of the armchair, use their shampoo occasionally, play their favorite album, and let a few of their books linger on the coffee table. Many people in romantic relationships and close friendships end up doing a lot of things together, which sometimes leaves you with less time for yourself.
Everyone needs some alone time on occasion. While a temporary separation can leave you lonely, it also provides the opportunity for some self-discovery. Or maybe you both decided it was time for a break. Whatever the reason, it becomes even more important to take time to acknowledge and manage your feelings , on your own or with support from someone else. You might also consider doing something kind , either for your loved one or for someone else in their honor.
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