Notify me of new posts via email. Search for:. Frodo took six months to travel across Middle-Earth, but you could do it in five. Two things. First of all, Frodo cheated [4]. And secondly, you could still do better. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading How Tall is Mount Doom? Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. This means that the events of The Lord of the Rings take place over six months, or days using the Shire calendar.
However, Frodo took many diversions during his journey, meaning this figure doesn't give a true representation of how long the trek should take.
Widely respected cartographer, Karen Wynn Fonstad, nails the distance Frodo covered on his route to miles. A physically fit person could cover roughly 12 miles per day, taking into account breaks, sleeping and difficult terrain.
This suggests that, without being chased by Ringwraiths or giant spiders, one could actually travel from the Shire's Bag End to Mount Doom in Mordor in a brisk days. With that target in mind, how much faster could the Great Eagles have made the journey? This is somewhat trickier to calculate, requiring a mixture of arithmetic and guesswork to reach an answer. Using a scale map via EncyclopediaOfArda , the distance between the Shire and Mordor as the crow or eagle flies can be estimated at around miles.
Working out how fast the Great Eagles can travel in The Lord of the Rings is much harder, especially since the creatures only carry Frodo and Sam from Mount Doom " out of the fire to the King, " suggesting that the Hobbits were flown down to the field of battle, rather than directly to Gondor.
Another notable journey Gwaihir makes is more helpful. The eagle rescues Gandalf from the Tower of Orthanc on the night of September 18th and drops him off in Edoras " ere dawn ," suggesting a flight around 6 hours in length. Apparently earlier in the books, Sauron was still operating secretly, so the Wraiths went as black horsemen.
War is upon us! Get your hands on the Atlas of Middle Earth. It breaks down just how far the travelers went each day! Took me long enough to add up the miles for you! First things first! Actually the current PDR is too damn bulky to pick up and use anymore. I get my drug data online. Anatomy too. I did enjoy very much, that you.