Is it possible to build hogwarts

Hogwarts Castle was a large, seven-storey high building supported by magic , [4] with a hundred and forty two staircases throughout its many towers and turrets and very deep dungeons. The castle was built in the late Early Middle Ages c.

Hogwarts was built in a valley area — surrounding mountains were part of the landscape — with the fairly large Great Lake to the south of the main building. The huge main oak front doors that led into the Entrance Hall faced west, and opened up to sloping lawns.

Hogwarts was located in the Scottish Highlands , near the all- wizard village of Hogsmeade and "not far" from Dufftown , [10] in Moray , and Achintee , in Lochaber. It was the setting of the final battle of the Second Wizarding War , the Battle of Hogwarts , [11] which resulted in the deaths of several witches and wizards who fought in defence of the castle, including Remus Lupin , Nymphadora Tonks , Fred Weasley , [12] Colin Creevey , [13] Lavender Brown , and Severus Snape.

Due to its extremely advanced age and the sheer amount of magic present in or around it, the castle was implied to have developed some form of sentience or awareness, such as when it sealed the Headmaster's Tower against Dolores Umbridge in , [15] and the various trick steps and false doors. The castle was supported by magic unable to be maintained or constructed by any other means , [17] a good example being the moving staircases, a feature contributed by one of the four Hogwarts founders, Rowena Ravenclaw.

Hogwarts was also protected by numerous ancient spells, such as the Anti-Disapparition Jinx ; this could, however, be overridden by the Headmaster and Dumbledore's phoenix , Fawkes when necessary. It was also unplottable and bewitched so that, if Muggles approached the castle, all they would see would be a mouldering ruin with a sign warning them to keep out and that it was unsafe.

The protective magic over Hogwarts was not only strong enough to apparently resist the dispelling effects of the Taboo , but also to repel even talented Dark Wizards. Rubeus Hagrid claimed that Hogwarts was the safest place there was, even more so than Gringotts Wizarding Bank , a reason why the Philosopher's Stone was sent to the castle for protection.

All of the secret passageways that were previously allegedly unknown were given more protection. Additionally, with members of the Order of the Phoenix and Aurors placed as guards, and Caretaker Argus Filch checking all incoming and outgoing students for dangerous materials, intrusion seemed completely impossible.

As a result of all the magic that occurred on the premises both from learning students, magical artefacts therein and the enchantments cast over the building itself a magical atmosphere pervaded the entire structure, causing any technology that was not adapted to run off of it to fail.

This was presumably why candles and lanterns were used for light. Mechanical things like watches seemed to do alright, as Colin Creevey 's traditional Muggle camera seemed to have worked until it was destroyed by the Basilisk 's eyes.

Colin mentioned that another student told him that he could develop the pictures in a potion so that they moved. One of his pictures showed Harry trying to escape a picture of him and Gilderoy Lockhart. The Chamber of Secrets was allegedly created deep under the dungeons of Hogwarts Castle during the Medieval times by Salazar Slytherin , who disagreed with the other Hogwarts founders on the merits of blood purity. The entrance could be found in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom on the second floor.

In order to gain entrance one had to say "open" in Parseltongue , and a sink would open into a slide. While falling down the large, dark pipe, one could see hundreds of other pipes leading off. At the end of the pipe, one was launched into a damp, stone chamber. The dungeons of Hogwarts Castle were located under the school, and it was colder there than in the main castle.

This cupboard was a small room off the Dungeon Corridor , just before the dungeon hall. This was one of the roomier dungeons at Hogwarts Castle. The room was accessible via the Dungeon Staircase. The Potions Classroom was where Potions classes were taught. There was a storage basement under the Potions classroom at Hogwarts Castle. It was accessible via a trapdoor and it was used to store cauldrons , ingredients and phials. It was a gloomy and dimly-lit room found in the school Dungeons.

The shadowy walls were lined with shelves of large glass jars filled with slimy, revolting things, such as bits of animals and plants, floating in potions of varying colours. In a corner, there was a cupboard containing Snape's private stock of potion ingredients. The office was sealed with a spell only wizards could break.

The Slytherin Dungeon was located behind a wall in the dungeons of Hogwarts. A Password spoken to the wall was required to enter it; whereupon a passage was revealed leading to the Common room —a low-ceilinged, dungeon-like room with greenish lamps and chairs. This dungeon extended partway under the lake.

Off of this room also included the Slytherin Boys' Dormitory. These chambers were a series of rooms underneath Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that served as the defences surrounding the Philosopher's Stone during the — school year. There were seven chambers in total that contained an obstacle or task that guarded the stone against being stolen.

The Hufflepuff Basement was the common room for Hufflepuff students at Hogwarts. The entrance to the Hufflepuff Basement was hidden behind a stack of barrels. It could be entered by tapping a certain rhythm on the barrels. It was located near the kitchens. The cellar was decorated with yellow hangings and filled with fat armchairs.

Underground tunnels led off to the students' dormitories and all the doors were perfectly circular, like barrel tops. The Hogwarts kitchen was located directly under the Great Hall , down the same staircase that led to the Hufflepuff Common Room. It contained tables identical to those in the Great Hall and were directly below them; food had to simply be placed on the tables in the kitchens, and it magically appeared in the Great Hall.

The kitchens were staffed by over house-elves , including Dobby , Winky , and Kreacher after Harry Potter inherited him and ordered him there in To gain access to the kitchens, one had to tickle the pear on a fruit portrait, which would then turn into a door knob.

The Boathouse was an underground harbour at Hogwarts where the boats were stored and docked after bringing the first years to the castle every 1 September. After Pratt's portrait was removed, there were only three entrances to this building: the path outside the Paved Courtyard , the stairs down from the Viaduct Courtyard , and the Great Lake. The Hogwarts Entrance Hall was located on the ground floor of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, with a wide marble staircase opposite the oak doors.

Double doors to the right led into the Great Hall. The Viaduct Courtyard was located off the Entrance Hall. This courtyard replaced the Entrance Hall antechamber beyond The Great Hall in Hogwarts was the main gathering area in the school. The Great Hall was a large hall that could easily hold all of the school's students, staff and guests. It had tall walls that reached up to the ceiling , which was enchanted to look like the sky above.

This was because the Elder Wand refuse to kill its true master, so Harry was not killed. Since Voldemort was now a mortal man, the curse rebounded on him, killing Tom Marvolo Riddle once and for all. The staffroom was a long, panelled room with mismatched, dark wooden chairs. The entrance to this room was guarded by two talking stone gargoyles. The caretaker's office was the room where Argus Filch lived in Hogwarts Castle.

It was a small, simple, windowless room with a single oil lamp in the ceiling. It smelled vaguely of fried fish. This was one of the cloisters in the inner part of Hogwarts Castle. This courtyard had grass in the open area, in which a big tree had grown over the centuries. There was one massive iron armillary sphere that stood in the centre of the courtyard. This was a wing at Hogwarts Castle containing the rooms dedicated to the teaching of Transfiguration.

The Transfiguration department was presumably located around the Middle Courtyard area, including such rooms as Classroom 1B. This classroom was where Transfiguration class was taught. The classroom was located on the ground floor around the Middle Courtyard. The classroom itself was big, surrounded by high windows, had four rows of three desks, and still had enough room for several cages and bookshelves, two chalkboards, and a desk. Classroom Eleven was on the ground floor of Hogwarts Castle.

It was used by the Centaur Firenze , who taught the subject of Divination. Albus Dumbledore changed the room to look like the Forbidden Forest , Firenze's home. This was a big chamber which connected the Viaduct to the first floor by a staircase that led to the Tapestry Corridor. There was also an archway that led down the Potions staircase to the Dungeon Corridor.

This courtyard was located on the Hogwarts Castle exterior area. It was connected to the Viaduct and the boathouse. This viaduct was constructed out of stone, and extended all the way down to the lake.

It was connected to the Viaduct Courtyard at one end and was connected to the left long viaduct tower and the right long viaduct tower. The Grand Staircase was a massive structure in Hogwarts Castle, mainly used to access each floor of the castle, including the dungeons.

There were hundreds of Portraits covering the walls in this tower, some of which concealed secret passages to other areas within the school. The multiple staircases in the Grand Staircase led from platform to platform and went as high as the seventh floor where they came to an end.

This classroom was where Defence Against the Dark Arts class was taught. An iron chandelier hung from the ceiling, as well as a Dragon 's skeleton. On one end of the classroom stood a projector that was activated by magic. Several desks and tables could be found in the classroom as well as some sets of large windows. The subject was taught by Professor Cuthbert Binns , a ghost , who was widely regarded by almost all Hogwarts students as the most monotonous and boring teacher in existence.

The Hospital wing was run by Poppy Pomfrey. Students who suffered mishaps during the school year were sent or brought to the hospital wing for treatment. It contained a bookcase, a desk, two closets, two beds for patients, and another bed closed off from the room by a curtain. The Gryffindor Head's Office was positioned on a corridor which could be accessed by climbing the large staircase in Hogwarts ' Entrance Hall.

This office was occupied by Professor McGonagall , head of Gryffindor house, for many years. The Stone Bridge was next to the Suspension Bridge. This corridor was located on the first floor of Hogwarts Castle. It connected the Viaduct Entrance to the main first floor. Its walls were covered in tapestries and, hung over the tapestries, portraits of wizards. This storeroom was located in the Tapestry Corridor , this was where Severus Snape stored his private supply of potions and potion ingredients.

It was one of two known potions storerooms in the castle; this being his private store; the other being the student store cupboard. Items stored in Snape's store room included Veritaserum [48] and ingredients for Polyjuice Potion. Located on the first floor, this was where a Mountain Troll attacked Hermione Granger on 31 October , This girls' lavatory also known as Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom was situated on the first floor of Hogwarts Castle.

Myrtle haunted the bathroom ever since, leading it to be a place most students did not want to enter. This bathroom held the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. There were battlements all around the top of The Quad at Hogwarts Castle. These battlements were used by the Hogwarts defence during the Battle of Hogwarts. They were heavily damaged during the course of the battle, with parts of the floor falling in, revealing the corridors below. It was connected to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom by two staircases.

The Armoury was a corridor adjacent to the Trophy Room. There were a large amount of suits of armour on exhibition in this corridor. The classroom had four long, large desks that were built like stairs, and were located on both sides of the classroom. There was also a large fireplace in the room, as well as several stacks of books, where Professor Flitwick lectured his pupils.

This was one of the three main entrances of Hogwarts Castle. It consisted of a large open space at the base of the Clock Tower , with two stairwells going up towards the upper levels of the tower. A portrait of Damara Dodderidge was hung here, and in , so was a portrait of Temeritus Shanks. The massive pendulum of the clock swung over this entrance. The entrance could be sealed with a portcullis which could be lowered and raised with the aid of a lever and the massive double doors could be locked with numerous bolts.

The Library was located on the third and fourth floors of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and contained tens of thousands of books on thousands of shelves.

Overseen by Madam Irma Pince , the library was where students could go to peruse or borrow books to supplement their studies or for personal enjoyment. The library closed at 8pm every day. The Trophy Room was where awards, trophies, cups, plates, shields, statues, and medals were kept in crystal glass displays.

This room also contained a list of Head Boys and Head Girls. The Trophy Room was connected to an Armour Gallery. The Third Floor Corridor on the right side of the Castle was out of bounds during the — school year because it was the access point to the Chambers where the Philosopher's Stone was being hidden.

Fluffy , a three-headed dog owned by Rubeus Hagrid , guarded a trap door that led into the Chambers. The Restricted Section was an area in fourth floor section of the Hogwarts Library closed off by a rope and only accessible to students with permission from a professor. In order to enter, they had to present a signed note from a professor.

The books within the Restricted Section typically discussed the Dark Arts or other information not for the general public or young children. They could be studied by older students for Defence Against the Dark Arts. This study area was a library on the fourth floor of Hogwarts Castle, located near Classroom 4F. There was a secret passageway hidden behind a bookshelf which led to the Seventh-floor corridor , just opposite a portrait of Sir Cadogan , as well as another behind a tapestry, which Hermione Granger accessed using Draconifors.

There was a large fireplace, and a door leading to the Fourth Floor Corridor. This room was where the Mirror of Erised was kept from September to December , and where Harry saw the image of himself and his deceased relatives, including his parents. After this, it was moved under orders from Dumbledore to protect the Philosopher's Stone. This was the bathroom where Graham Montague appeared after entering the Vanishing Cabinet in The office had a fireplace.

It also had two closets, the teacher's desk and a table. Behind a curtain was Cuthbert's bed, although since becoming a ghost it is unlikely that he used it. This was a special bathroom that was restricted to use by school Prefects , Head Boys , Head Girls and Quidditch captains. It was located on the fifth floor behind the fourth door to the left of a statue of Boris the Bewildered , which only opened when given the correct password , which, as mentioned by Cedric Diggory , was 'Pine Fresh' in the — school year.

This was where both Art and Muggle Art classes were taught at Hogwarts. This classroom had six easels, three paintings on the walls, a cabinet, a table, and the teacher's desk.

This classroom was located in the Fifth-floor corridor of Hogwarts Castle. It was in this classroom that both the Music and Muggle Music classes were taught at Hogwarts. The sixth-floor corridor was one of the many corridors in Hogwarts Castle. It included a professor's office and some kind of bird that Draco Malfoy used in his plan to mend the Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement. It was very similar to the Seventh-floor corridor. This was a large hall located on the sixth floor of Hogwarts Castle.

There was a huge fireplace in the centre of the room and some portraits hung on the walls. There were various suits of armour, which guarded the room after the sun was down. This bathroom had not been used since sometime prior to In that year, Fred and George Weasley moved their shop from a bathroom on the seventh floor to this one.

It included some desks, a bookcase and a lectern for the professor. Fairly roomy, this office included a fireplace with two large sofas surrounding it, a round dinner table big enough to sit ten people, and access to a private balcony. Not to be confused with the Trophy Room , the Room of Rewards was a secret room at Hogwarts that noted students' various achievements. It could be accessed via the portrait of Vindictus Viridian on the Grand Staircase.

The Ravenclaw Head's office was the thirteenth window from the right of the West Tower. The office contained portraits , a desk, and sleeping quarters.

This was where Sirius Black was held captive, awaiting the Dementor's Kiss in The Room of Requirement was a secret room in Hogwarts that only appeared when a person was in great need of it.

The room transformed itself into whatever the witch or wizard needed it to be at that moment. It was located on the seventh floor of Hogwarts Castle. It included number charts, a blackboard and large rows of tables for students to sit in. It might also have been where Advanced Arithmancy Studies was taught.

This corridor contained the portrait of the Fat Lady that served as the entrance to Gryffindor Tower. The corridor was at least one turn away from the Grand Staircase. This wing had hundreds of bookshelves lined along the walls and various tables and furniture placed around the room.

It served the Castle as a reading room and study hall. There were two entrances; one in the seventh floor corridor and the other by the Fat Lady 's portrait. This bathroom was accessible through a portrait in the reading room, as well as a door on the other side of the castle. It was unused prior to , by which time Fred and George Weasley had taken up residence there and set up their own shop for Gryffindor students.

This was where Divination classes were taught at Hogwarts. It was located in the North Tower. It was accessible through a circular trapdoor and was described as looking like a cross between somebody's attic and an old-fashioned teashop. The Divination Staircase led to this classroom. This office was the workplace and residence of the Divination professor. The Astronomy Tower was the tallest tower at Hogwarts Castle, surrounded by a parapet and turret.

It is where students studied the stars and planets through their telescopes in Astronomy lessons with Professor Aurora Sinistra. All the way down from the boathouse, one could see the huge window of the Astronomy Tower. Located within this tower was the Astronomy Corridor , Astronomy reading room , Astronomy classroom , Astronomy stairwell , Astronomy department and the Astronomy Room.

This was because Dumbledore's hand was affected by a dangerous curse created by Tom Marvolo Riddle, to protect his Horcrux Marvolo Gaunt's ring. The Bell towers were two towers that rose over the main entrance to the Herbology Greenhouses. Between the two towers were a set of double wooden doors which led along the Ground Floor Corridor. Inside the left bell tower was Filch's Office. The Clock Tower did not begin at the Ground Floor level.

Because it was placed on top of a hill, the Tower began at the Third Floor level. In the entrance to the Tower, there was a huge space, like an Entrance Hall with flights of wooden stairs at the right and left side.

The first landing was at the Fourth Floor level. It was at this landing where the clock's gears and face were. This same corridor connected the Tower to the remaining castle. Up another flight of wooden stairs was another landing, this time at the Fifth Floor level. It was in this landing that the clock's bells were; some massive gold and copper bells. There was another corridor at this landing; like the other, it linked the Tower to the main castle. This tower seemed to be used as a prison.

It had several prison cells, with the topmost being at the roof. The cells were not, however, charmed or otherwise protected against breaking-in from the outside. It had seven floors. Minerva McGonagall 's office was located on the first floor of this tower. The Defence Against the Dark Arts staircase ran through the centre of this tower.

This tower was probably the most prominent and recognisable feature of Hogwarts Castle. The tower was a circular shape and had a cone shaped roof. The Grand Staircase was located here, and at the top of this tower were three smaller towers which made up the Headmaster's Tower and served as the Headmaster's office and residence.

A Password was required to enter it, which was spoken to the portrait. A circular hole was behind the painting, leading to the common room , which was a circular room where Gryffindor students could relax after a long day of studying. The common room was full of squashy armchairs, tables, and a bulletin board where school notices, ads, lost posters, etc. Apart from Harry Potter's alma mater, BigRentz also estimated the cost of building other pop culture properties in real life.

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Written by. Published on Dec 26, , am. Do you know? Other estimates. Bat Cave.


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