Restoration Druids are also reliant on keeping up several refreshable buffs and HoTs. Contents To make it easy to navigate the guide, we have split it into 7 pages: Builds, Talents, and Glyphs : learn how to choose your talents and glyphs; Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities : master your rotation and your cooldowns; Buffs, Debuffs, and Useful Abilities : discover your arsenal of useful abilities; Statistics Priority and Reforging : read up on the respective values of your statistics; Gems, Enchants, and Professions : choose the best gems, enchantments, etc.
For the record, I switched for two reasons. First, I was constantly OOM with Holy if there was any kind of actual healing needed, 14, Spirit notwithstanding for T15 and early T16 normals, not even doing heroics or anything. Is it better to try to keep them even or just go for pure crit? Prior to that, I was Disc in a 10 man group. With that said:. I tried it one encounter, noticed people were dying faster, and scrapped it.
In nearly every situation, Atonement will be the better choice than your single-target heals. I was only sharing my experience, which could have been affected by my personal lower skill levels, game skill levels, raiding skill, etc. And, of course, as you have your experiences, I have mine, and was trying to share what I saw.
That was a fantastic analysis, so well written and really really interesting. Thanks for the great reads as always Dedralie. It does leave me with some questions though, what will be the niche for disc to fulfill with absorbs gone, and how will we go about making holy more competitive? At this point I think smart-heals are not likely to go away since most healing classes are simply too ingrained in them, absorbs however remain mostly exclusive to holy paladins and discipline priests and could be removed more easily.
In terms of making holy priest competitive then would be either to increase the potency of CoH or rework PoH or something in their toolkit to work as their primary smart-heal to compete with the likes of Wild Growth and Chain Heal. Frankly I have no idea, but would really love to see suggestions. I keep heal on my bar for low damage times where I need to control where the heal goes, but most often I tend to use Flash Heal.
I took Greater Heal off of my bar because it was using up too much space. It was a sad moment. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. I love to talk about healing, and think about healing, but mostly, I love to heal. Even when I'm playing my warlock, I'm thinking about healing.
In a word, I am While I'd like to think all my posts are useful, some are more useful than others! Here are some links for quick reference:.
Email Address:. Skip to content. Home About. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading About Dedralie Stuff about me! Bookmark the permalink. Dedralie says:. Tiriel says:. Nzete says:. Anshlun says:. Samantha says:. Caitlyn Stormspire says:. Bunny says:. Jabari says:. Hmm, it ate a line in there. Navimie says:. Emmett says:. Fantastic Analysis! Here, you will learneverything you need to know about playing a Restoration Shaman in a raid environment,although most of the content also applies to normal and heroic dungeons.
Currently, Restoration Shamans shine when it comes to healinggrouped up or stacked players. In this sense, the more spell haste you have, the more reliable your healing will be. If your healing is reliant on registering critical heals, you will always be in a position, while casting a heal, to have to wonder and hope about its outcome.
For example : two players, both of whom you are assigned to heal, take two bursts of damage each within a 3 second interval. In order to save them from dying, you must heal each of them once before the second burst of damage hits them.
If you have a lot of Haste Rating, then you will be able to reach both of them in time, even if your heal is smaller due to lack of Mastery Rating or Spell Power from Intellect gems and has a very low chance to be a critical strike due to lack of Critical Strike Rating.
As a healer, you have to be intimately familiar with a great part of each encounter your raid is attempting. You have to be prepared for every ability cast by the boss or an add, which has the potential to deal damage to anyone in the raid regardless of whether this damage is avoidable or not.
A great part of being a good healer is being prepared for what is about to happen. Most boss abilities are on fixed timers or cooldowns, and will often have a predictable outcome. You must be prepared for every such ability, and already know which spell you are about to cast to heal your targets before they have taken any damage. It is advised that, while learning encounters, you pay special attention to how much damage various abilities do, and how sustained that damage is. This will give you a good indication, for future attempts, of which spells are best used when.
If you were not familiar with the encounter mechanics, you might fail to have everyone at the minimum health threshold to survive, and you might then panic and use mana-inefficient spells trying to heal everyone up after the damage hits. If you have been following this guide so far, you should have your user interface, add-ons, macros and keybinds in place. You should be comfortable with clicking your raid frames, tracking your own procs and cooldowns, and just generally using your character.
Naturally, the deeper the understanding you have of your class, the better your performance will be. This sort of coverage is beyond the scope of this article.
There are, however, various aspects of playing a healer in a raid environment which are not related to class or specialisation, but rather to the healing role in general.
We have done a great deal of talking about all sorts of aspects which prepare you for healing. Now it is time to actually look what how you should heal, who you should and should not! Your most basic goal, for every encounter, is that each and every one of your raid members survive until the boss is dead or until he enrages due to insufficient DPS. Practically, you will have to wait for raid members to suffer damage, and then use your healing spells to heal the damaged targets.
This is a simplistic look at things, and the reality is more complicated because of several factors. In order to achieve this goal, you will need to make good use of both your mana and your global cooldowns, and use the correct spells at the correct time.
Mana regeneration is affected by your Spirit and by various class talents and abilities. Healers have to manage their mana for the entire duration of the encounter, and mistakes in this management can quickly lead to a wipe. While it is beyond the scope of this article to discuss specific class abilities, all healing classes have the following types of abilities:.
The true skill of a healer comes from using the right heal for each situation. For example, you should use a fast and expensive heal when your target would be dead before you have the time to finish any other heal; you should use a slow and inexpensive heal when you have ample time to heal your target; you should use slow, large heals when your target is suffering sustained damage. The idea is that, for the entire duration of the encounter, you have to strike a perfect or near-perfect balance between healing enough to keep your assignment alive, while not using too much mana.
The only way to do this is to use the proper spells for each situation. Finally, one key aspect of properly managing your mana is to ensure that you do not overheal. Overhealing is covered below, but to summarise, you should ensure that you do not expend mana on a heal which lands on a player whose health is already full or that a great part of the heal is wasted because their health is almost full.
As a healer, it is your job not only to try to keep every single raid member alive, from the start of the fight until the end, but also to know when it is more profitable for your raid to let someone die so that you can better heal others and possibly to save mana.
Before we detail this further, we would like to remind you not to forget to heal yourself. It is very easy to make the mistake of trying to heal everyone else and simply overlooking your own raid or unit frame. Sadly, there are times when, as a healer, you simply cannot keep everyone alive. This can be either due to encounter design fights where the damage ramps up progressively until it becomes unhealable or due to the mistakes which your raid makes in the execution of the fight.
When this happens, you will find yourself in a position of desperately trying to heal several low health and dying targets at once, and you will face being overwhelmed or running out of mana.
In times like these, you will have to choose which players to heal and which players to simply let die. While this is counter-intuitive to the nature of the healing role, it is often the only way to survive the encounter.
It is impossible to state in general terms which players should be sacrificed and which players should be saved, as this can depend greatly based on the encounter. As a rule, you should keep as many tanks alive as as are needed for the boss to be killed. Finally, while your initial reaction might be, when seeing how difficult healing is, to try to save as many of the other healers in preference of DPS players, this is often wrong. The reason is that when a fight reaches such a critical moment, the only things which will make it easier is if the boss dies extremely quickly.
Therefore, even a few seconds of another DPS player being alive can make all the difference. No matter what encounter your raid is progressing on, and regardless of whether it is in 10 or man difficulty, your raid or healing leader will surely provide you with an assignment.
In short, you will be told who to heal, and when. Currently, all of the 6 healing specialisations are fairly well balanced. In the past, certain specialisations were suited to a single role for example, Holy Paladins were exclusively tank healers during Wrath of the Lich King, while Restoration Druids were extremely potent raid healers.
Despite this balance, some specialisations shine in certain situations more than others. A good raid leader will assign specific healers to specific tasks based on the strengths and weaknesses of the healing classes and the players playing them. If you feel that you have been given an improper assignment, or that the assignments provided, as a whole, are not satisfactory ie. The tanks are the only players who, regardless of encounter, take sustained damage for the entire duration of the fight.
The amount of damage that they take and the frequency with which they take it varies widely from fight to fight, but in every case, the tanks must always have at least one healer assigned to them.
Most fights require two tanks, although it is possible that they will be taking damage alternatively, and not simultaneously.