So abnormal uterine cavities, a slightly open cervix, or poor provider technique can contribute. Like most of the limited research on IUD expulsion, there is some disagreement among researchers about these figures. I went down the list of risk factors, which include a history of heavy vaginal bleeding, uterine abnormalities, and placement immediately after giving birth or after a second-trimester abortion.
None of those applied to me. Regardless of if you have had children or not, Dr. Feeling distrustful of the last gynecologist I went to, I made an appointment with a new doctor who had been practicing for almost four decades. This time, I got an ultrasound directly after the insertion. And there it was on the screen: Yet again, it was sitting too low in my body.
Not even 10 minutes after the second insertion, I had to have it yanked. Thankfully, unlike the insertion, the removal was painless with the exception of my bruised psyche.
I was disappointed but not surprised, having known going in that the risk of expulsion recurring can be up to 30 percent on the next try. Did I do something wrong? Was there any way I could have prevented this? I was desperate.
Some women may also have signs of infection, including fever and malaise. It is essential to make an appointment with a gynecologist if any of these symptoms present.
A woman will have an increased risk of unintended pregnancy if her IUD falls out or becomes displaced. If an IUD remains inserted during pregnancy, this could result in health issues for the woman and the baby. Ectopic pregnancy is when the embryo implants outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes. This is a medical emergency. Aside from an increased risk of unintended pregnancy, a displaced or expelled IUD can lead to the following complications:. All of these complications are relatively uncommon, but if any do occur they will require medical attention.
A woman should see her doctor if she suspects an IUD expulsion or displacement. The doctor is likely to carry out a physical examination and order an ultrasound to locate the IUD. A woman should also see a doctor if she becomes pregnant while using an IUD, as pregnancy with an IUD carries an increased risk of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.
Medical attention would also be necessary for a woman experiencing any of the following symptoms:. IUDs are a popular reversible method of birth control that a woman can use in the long term.
While they are generally safe to use, in some cases an IUD may fall out or become displaced. If this happens, it increases the chance of unintended pregnancy and other complications. A woman who believes that her IUD has fallen out should make an appointment with her gynecologist. Alcohol does not directly reduce the effectiveness of birth control. However, excessive drinking may prevent a person from taking the birth control….
Over the next months, Alden experienced cramping and a heavier flow. Signs of her period, right? Maybe not. Nina M. Carroll identifies displacement warning signs as unusual bleeding, cramping or persistent pelvic pain, and touching something firm at the cervix while conducting a self-exam. Back at school in the fall, she followed up. Oh no, the doctor said.
Michael Tahery , L. One patient had a distorted uterine cavity with larger than normal fibroids, and a hemorrhagic episode heavy bleeding, essentially expelled the device.
Tahery had to go in through her belly button to extract it. Tahery said. Everyone thinks the IUD fell out when she removed her DivaCup, but how can you be sure if you never saw it happen? Studies show that there is in fact little correlation between IUD expulsion and the use of menstrual cups.