Hi everyone. The decline of rock n roll music: By , the first wave of rock n roll stars had pretty much all faded from their former glory. Elvis was a production line of bad movies, Buddy Holly had died, Little Richard had renounced his music in favour of spirituality, etc etc..
Without the Beatles to pump new life into the movement both commercially and musically, I think it would have died off and been replaced by other sounds, potentially the flourishing Motown and folk movements at the time, which could have become the dominant popular genre. By becoming the biggest band in the world, they essentially set the precedent for artists writing, playing and singing their own material that continues to this day, and their success resulted in other artists feeling obligated to do the same or risk ridicule for being phoneys, like the Monkees.
So these bands would likely never have come to prominence without the commercial support of major labels. Singles vs Albums: With Rubber Soul , The Beatles inspired Brian Wilson to create Pet Sounds, which was groundbreaking in its unified form and directly inspired Sgt Pepper which many consider one of the first concept albums. This soon led to albums overtaking singles in sales and being considered the definitive creative statement that an artist could make.
Their experiments with both Western and Hindustani classical instrumentation as well as tape loops could have done the same for psychedelic rock. Hope this provides some food for thought.
My concerns are global. I reject absolutely revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love. I love you, Sheriff Truman. The precedent set by them paved the way for all guitar bands — also crooners would probably be much more common too.
Bands like the Rolling Stones were starting out around the same time as the Beatles. We asked some of our writers four questions related to a world without the Beatles' impact on music and society.
You can read their responses below. If so, who and why? More importantly, the loss of Armstrong means we don't have a world where whites are exposed to black music. Rob Smith : Had Bob Dylan never been born, rock 'n' roll would be missing the poetry, the playful abstract lyrical elements, even the sense of humor that he brought to bear. Martin Kielty : In terms of the move toward the Beatles having been established, it would be Lonnie Donegan.
A jazz musician by trade, he took advantage of studio downtime to record American folk songs and accidentally invented skiffle music. It was easy to play, no expensive instruments were needed, and it was catchy — and John Lennon was one of many thousands of young hopefuls who started playing music because of Donegan.
Also worthy of note: Donegan and a significant part of what became blues music both came from Scotland, as I explained in my book Big Noise. Nick DeRiso: Among bands, no. But individuals? Yes, certainly. No Elvis, no rock music. Without the Beatles, the beat boom vanishes overnight. Pop resumes its natural place as the bastion of teenage dreams, fulfilled by a succession of crooners modelled after Cliff Richard.
Instead, the latent rebellion of 60s youth is focused on folk music. Nothing looks cooler in Soho or the Village than a battered acoustic over the shoulder, scrawled with anti-war slogans. Even Cliff is glimpsed in public with a nylon-stringed guitar, offering gentle condemnations of conflict with a reassuring Christian message.
Blues and soul filter into a propulsive new music in black America, but here, too, the folkies leave their mark, as righteous acoustic guitar preachers such as Curtis Mayfield and Jesse Jackson rap out righteous rhetoric over dancefloor rhythms. And so history unfolds, generational struggles playing out more in words than music, while pop remains defiantly unengaged.
The real rebellions are elsewhere — in fashion, art, folk music and poetry — and none of them impinge on pop. A new century demanded change, and superstars who could blend clean-cut teen appeal, acoustic gentility and sanitised African American rhythms. In we worship them still: George Michael , Ed Sheeran and, paragon beyond compare, the preternaturally youthful Cliff Richard.
But what if there had been no Beatles? There are other kick-down-the-door artists whose absence would make many subsequent developments hard to imagine — Bob Dylan, James Brown — but not many and none whose influence has seeped so deeply into the bedrock of our shared popular culture. Yesterday: Infinity War. Take Prince. Of course, these songs are stone-cold classics that would turn a nobody into the most acclaimed songwriter in the world. In the scene where Jack is alone with his guitar, trying to remember The Beatles songbook, he writes the titles on Post-it Notes and sticks them to his bedroom wall.
I would love to have heard Jack try to re-create that with six strings. Played by Jack, "The Long And Winding Road" is clearly beautiful, but performed by the Beatles on Let It Be , the swansong they released a month after breaking up, it was a heartbreaking coda to the most compelling narrative in the history of pop. How simple the real-life music industry would be if a song were just a song and nothing else mattered.
Only the biggest band in the world could have gotten away with such an eccentric idea.