What makes hector a hero

A great warrior like Achilles can earn his Kleos through his courage and prowess in battle. Even after shooting her, Malala is still fighting for the rights of education. She has come back even more determined to gain educational rights for all and takes it on as a responsibility to the children that do not have that right. He is willing to give up his passion for life and all that it comes with to uphold his responsibility of protecting Troy.

His character has the warrior in the poem reflects great importance of the Greek position in the battlefield. His strong personality and great strength made the enemy hesitate to counter his attacks, yet even ease to praise them too. In this regard, the comments of the Hector towards the Achilles such as his hands are like fire and his heart like the burnished steel reflect Achilles capacity as the warrior.

On the other hand, Hector as a great man of his own also indicated that Achilles was far greater than him and was not hesitate to praise in front of him too. Due to the fact that he let multiple Trojan warriors die, he feels that he owes it to them to face Achilleus.

He also has no choice but to maintain his honor and gain the respect from Achilleus. Maybe [Achilles will] win, maybe i will.

Hector was the son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba. These two heroes Achilles of Greece and Hector of Troy became great warriors and were admired by almost everyone in their region.

Both of them have epic hero characteristics, however Achilles is a greater epic hero because he is glorified by the Greeks, he has superior fighting skills compared to the average warrior, he is also a responsible leader.

Warriors of ancient Greece were considered heroes by following the Heroic Code of excellence. The achieved this by establishing their fame and glory or kleos. It was not an easy task to become a Grecian hero. Priam and Hecabe are helpless behind the walls of Troy and desperate to reach Hector with a last attempt to save him. Hectors resolution to stand firm and face Achilles, even when his parents cry out their love for him, shows just how heroic and honourable Hector is.

Hector shows a moment of weakness when he runs away from Achilles. If anything, this action heightens the sense that Hector is a tragic hero as throughout the whole Iliad, Hector stood firm and brave, and fought without consideration of his life to protect Troy. This moment of weakness shows the audience that Hector is only human, and that he has a strong desire to live. This is tragic as it is known that Hector cannot live and it is too late to run because fate has already decided that he is doomed.

Hectors character becomes even more sympathetic when Zeus regrets that he cannot save Hector from his imminent death. This sympathy is heightened when Athene tricks Hector by pretending to be his brother, Deiphobus, so as to convince Hector to face Achilles.

This heartless trick raises Hectors hopes of survival and in doing so magnifies his character as a tragic hero. The death of Hector is equally tragic, because as he dies he pleads with Achilles to honour his body and to return it to his parents so as his body will be able to go to Hades. Achilles denies him this honour and taunts Hector as he dies. This dishonour to Hector seems entirely undeserved, and this is one of the main reasons why he is perceived as a tragic hero.

The tragic death of Hector is voiced by all the citizens of troy in a lament of his death:. Not only does this line demonstrate the tragedy that Hector is dead, but it also prophesises the fate of Troy which becomes imminent after Hectors death.

Often the comparison between Achilles and Hector as heroes also amplifies the perception that Hector is a tragic hero. This is what makes Hector a tragic hero as he is undeservedly and needlessly slaughtered for being a good person. Hector is portrayed as a very humane hero, he is affectionate to his wife and child, he defends his brother, fights in the war to defend Troy and only kills out of necessity of war without revelling in death.

These actions help the audience feel sympathetic for Hector and even empathise with him. This humanitarian aspect of Hector makes his death seem all the more tragic. Obviously over time, the perception of what a hero is changes, however perceptions on what constitutes as a tragedy stays the same. It is hard to determine what the ancient Greeks would have thought of Hector, but I do not think it likely that they would have considered him a hero, as this role was quite obviously filled by Achilles.

Therefore, Hector is a tragic hero by modern standards. Bassett, S. Hogan, J. Rabel, R. Like Like. Difficult to say really. Achilles would definitely been perceived as a hero but his disregard for authority, his hubris would have made it clear to Greeks that he was a character who would die.

There was no doubt the Greeks loved the fighting prowess of a hero, but they needed to have the self discipline and respect for order and authority too.

Glory and honor comes with great responsibility and wisdom. A good basileus was a leader who strived to be the best through usage of language and combat prowess. The government of a basileus was principally based on recognized power and strength rather than acclaimed wisdom and proven judgement.

For this analysis of Achilles as a Homeric hero the source. Hector is the True Hero of Iliad In today's society, a man's mind is his most important tool. In the past, however, a man's courage and strength is all that he had to keep him alive.

In Homer's Iliad, courage is valued over honesty and even faithfulness to one's wife. If a hero is the most courageous man in the bunch , then Hector is more heroic than Achilles and King of the Myrmidons.

Hector is the true hero of Homer's Iliad. Although Achilles and Hector are both leaders of men, Hector leads with a mature sense that gives his men reason to respect him. In turn, Hector respects his men which gives fulfillment to both parties. Hector is not a man to sit around and mull over strategies and ideas - Hector is a man of action.

As the book progresses, Achilles seems to drift as far away from the definition of "god-like" as a beneficent being as one can get. His ability to kill effortlessly and watch people die without mercy is in keeping with many of Olympus' inhabitants. His fickle disposition is very "god-like" as well.

The introduction to the Fagles translation describes a god as someone who is completely wrapped up in their own power, who sees other's natures as obstacles to be overcome, and someone who is unable to question or criticize themselves.

This is Achilles in a nutshell. Killing seems associated with being similar to a god. Hector is referred to as "godlike" only when he is triumphing over the corpse of a fallen Greek soldier. I found it interesting that the gods assist both Achilles and Hector in their respective battles. I would think that the gods would help Hector more, because he was a just man, but Hector is handed victory by Zeus only for a short time, while Achilles always appears to have divine intervention.


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