A standard trademark registration will last for 10 years, and when it is set to expire, you will need to re-register your trademark to secure another 10 years of protection. If you don't regularly use your trademark, you may lose your rights to your mark. There are two different trademarks that are available. The TM symbol is used for common law trademarks , which are trademarks that are in use but have not yet been registered.
A registered trademark provides much more extensive protections than common law trademarks. If you're interested in registering a trademark, there are five different trademark levels that you could choose:.
Copyrights and trademarks are legal protections for different types of intellectual property. You may be entitled to compensation if someone uses your copyright or trademark without obtaining your permission. Copyrights are slightly easier to understand than trademarks. You can copyright any type of original content or intellectual property that you have created. When you copyright a piece of intellectual property, the work of art, not its subject matter, will be protected.
For example, if two novels cover the same subject, their copyrights will not be violated if the writing style, length, and approach of the novels are different. While copyrights don't need to be registered, they won't last in perpetuity. A copyright will last for the entire life of the artwork's creator, plus 70 years after their death. Once your work of art is published, it will be protected by copyright law.
Once the year post-death period has ended, the work of art becomes part of the public domain and can be used by anyone. Because ideas are so ubiquitous, they cannot be protected by any form of intellectual property law. However, you can use a trademark to protect the name of your idea as long as you put the idea to use. Founded in , Nike has grown to become one of the leading manufacturers of sports apparel, footwear, and equipment worldwide, earning over 24 billion dollars in alone.
The brand has utilized celebrity endorsements in many of its campaigns as well as motivational slogans to encourage the public to become more physically active. All your life you are told the things you cannot do.
All your life they will tell you no, quite firmly and very quickly. Impossible is not a fact. Impossible is not a declaration. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. The truth is, greatness is for us all. Greatness is wherever somebody is trying to find it. Find your greatness. Set goals. Love yourself. Focus on fitness. Rest and relax. Eat right. Portray positive. Enjoy life. Care for others. All reserved. By Stefano Hatfield Phil Knight, the co-founderand former Chief Executive of Nike, prefers to let his superstar athletes and advertisements do his talking for him.
Named Advertiser of the year at the 50th Cannes International Advertising Festival, he is the first parson to win the award twice. Knight has an absolutely clear and committed strategy to use celebrity athlete endorsement. From the beginning Nike has been prepared to take a gamble on sporting bad boys others would not touch: Andre Agassi springs to mind. He launched the product with a David 1'inchet-directed ad which used the Beatles track Revolution, and 65 then marketed the Air Jordan brand on the back of Michael Jordan.
Sales took off and the rest is history. This brings us to the subject 70 of globalisation and the question of how American the brand can be. Nike uses a mix of global ad campaigns such as 'good v evil' and local 75 advertising such as its famous poster campaigns in the UK. During a year partnership with the agency Wieden and Kennedy, Nike 80 has created some of the world's most attention-grabbing advertising: for example the Nike 'good v evil' campaign and two 85 advertisements both for World Cups and the ad 'tag', last year's Cannes grand prix winner.
Other famous ads star Pete Sampras and Andre 90 Agassi playing in the streets of Manhattan; Tiger Woods playing 'keepy-uppy' with a golf ball; and Brazil's team playing soccer at the airport 95 terminal. It is a remarkable body of work, both in its variety, daring and consistent originality.