What should i do james

Not sure how study abroad can help you achieve your academic and professional goals? Academic leadership experiences can be used as academic points or enrichment points.

Rising juniors and seniors are eligible to apply. Applications are available annually early in the spring term for the following academic year. This experience is eligible for academic points or enrichment points.

Summer experiences Summer experiences are eligible for honors points in limited categories research, conference presentations, publications, short-term study abroad, community service, internships, professional program or entrance exams and limited leadership experiences. Tracking your accomplishments LAS James Scholars will be intentional about the ways in which they will earn their honors points. Honors point options LAS James Scholars will earn honors points in both academic and enrichment point categories.

Academic categories Honors courses Research Academic accomplishments Enrichment categories Volunteer service Leadership experiences Campus involvement Academic or enrichment categories Internships Study abroad Academic leadership Academic Honors courses Honors courses are available either through taking an Honors Integrated Course or working on projects with faculty.

Experience Point value per experience Total points possible Preapproval required Final documentation required LAS 1 1 None, just add the course to your semester James Scholar Plan None, earn a B- or higher in the course to be eligible for an honors grade Description: All incoming first-year and transfer self-nom first-semester James Scholars will enroll in LAS , our first-year seminar course.

Students who earn a B- or higher in the course are eligible to earn an honors grade. Earn a B- or higher in the course to be eligible for an honors grade. Whether the course is an integrated honors course or an EHCLA course, students must earn a B- or higher in the course to earn an honors grade.

An honors or "H" grade must be reflected on the student's record before honors points will be awarded for this experience. None, earn a B- or higher in the course to be eligible for an honors grade.

Description: The same category as the 2 cred-hour and 3 credit-hour course options, but only when you have maximized your points. This will allow you to continue to earn honors credit beyond what you are required to earn for this program. Select the zero 0 point option from the bottom of the portfolio drop down, and follow the above directions. Description: This acts the same way as a 3 credit-hour honors course. In eligible chemistry courses, students may use REACT as an honors project to make their chemistry course eligible for an honors grade.

Students must still earn a B- or higher in the course to earn an honors grade and the honors or "H" grade must be reflected on the student's record before honors points will be awarded. Just add the course to your semester James Scholar Plan. Your final grade in the course will be reviewed for point consideration. Description: Students may not earn an honors grade in a level or graduate-level course, but successful completion of the course is eligible for honors points.

The course must be taken for a letter grade to be eligible for honors points. Students must be enrolled in the level section, not the cross listed section.

Honors LLC course 1 1 None. Please consult with the Honors LLC for additional information on the course. Research experiences Research experiences are encouraged and available for academic honors points as well.

Denotes that this category is eligible to be used for a summer experience. Experience Point value per experience Total points possible Preapproval required Final documentation required Faculty-directed independent study or research 4 Submit an Honors Experience Request Form.

Description: Students who are conducting research or independent study under the supervision of a faculty member, staff member, or graduate student are eligible to use that experience for honors points. Complete at least 50 hours of research in a single semester to earn one academic point, and at least hours or more of research in a single semester to earn two academic points.

Submit a copy of the conference program. Description: The Undergraduate Research Symposium on campus each spring is eligible in this category. The regional conference must be preapproved with an Honors Experience Request Form. Publication in an undergraduate journal or website 1 1 None.

Just add the proposed experience to your semester James Scholar Plan. Check out these undergraduate research journals on campus. Don't forget to submit proof to the online portfolio system by the required deadline. Publication in a professional journal or website 2 4 None. Description: In order to use this experience for points, students must be enrolled in a thesis course or senior capstone based course.

If the course isn't already an integrated honors course, you will need to complete an EHCLA for each semester of thesis coursework for which they are enrolled. James's intent here is to make the need for obedience to God very personal. Christianity does not accept the idea of passive spirituality—a response is required from all men.

For the non-believer, this begins with the response to—or rejection of—the gospel. For the saved believer, it means acting according to what we claim to believe. To continue down a path of worldliness and self-reliance instead of trusting God in our everyday choices is sin. We know what we should do, so we have no excuse not to do it. At this rate, the deepest human life is everywhere, is eternal.

And, if any human attributes exist only in particular individuals, they must belong to the mere trapping and decoration of the surface-show. Yet always, we must confess, this levelling insight tends to be obscured again; and always the ancestral blindness returns and wraps us up, so that we end once more by thinking that creation can be for no other purpose than to develop remarkable situations and conventional distinctions and merits.

Yet, little by little, there comes some stable gain; for the world does get more humane, and the religion of democracy tends toward permanent increase.

This, as I said, became for a time my conviction, and gave me great content. I have put the matter into the form of a personal reminiscence, so that I might lead you into it more directly and completely, and so save time. But now I am going to discuss the rest of it with you in a more impersonal way. The last view one gets of him is his little figure leaning against a white birch-tree, and uncomplainingly awaiting the end.

Contrariwise to those of our own class, who protest against destiny and grow indignant at its rigor, these people receive maladies and misfortunes without revolt, without opposition, and with a firm and tranquil confidence that all had to be like that, could not be otherwise, and that it is all right so. The more we live by our intellect, the less we understand the meaning of life.

We see only a cruel jest in suffering and death, whereas these people live, suffer, and draw near to death with tranquillity, and oftener than not with joy. There are enormous multitudes of them happy with the most perfect happiness, although deprived of what for us is the sole of good of life.

Those who understand life's meaning, and know how to live and die thus, are to be counted not by twos, threes, tens, but by hundreds, thousands, millions.

They labor quietly, endure privations and pains, live and die, and throughout everything see the good without seeing the vanity. I had to love these people. The more I entered into their life, the more I loved them; and the more it became possible for me to live, too. It came about not only that the life of our society, of the learned and of the rich, disgusted me-more than that, it lost all semblance of meaning in my eyes.

All our actions, our deliberations, our sciences, our arts, all appeared to me with a new significance. I understood that these things might be charming pastimes, but that one need seek in them no depth, whereas the life of the hardworking populace, of that multitude of human beings who really contribute to existence, appeared to me in its true light.

I understood that there veritably is life, that the meaning which life there receives is the truth; and I accepted it. How surprising are his attributes! If I could show you these men and women all the world over, in every stage of history, under every abuse of error, under every circumstance of failure, without hope, without help, without thanks, still obscurely fighting the lost fight of virtue, still clinging to some rag of honor, the poor jewel of their souls.

Yet you remember the Irishman who, when asked, "Is not one man as good as another? Grant that at Chautauqua there was little moral effort, little sweat or muscular strain in view. Still, deep down in the souls of the participants we may be sure that something of the sort was hid, some inner stress, some vital virtue not found wanting when required. And, after all, the question recurs, and forces itself upon us, Is it so certain that the surroundings and circumstances of the virtue do make so little difference in the importance of the result?

Is the functional utility, the worth to the universe of a certain definite amount of courage, kindliness, and patience, no greater if the possessor of these virtues is in an educated situation, working out far-reaching tasks, than if he be an illiterate nobody, hewing wood and drawing water, just to keep himself alive?

It savors too much of that Oriental pessimism and nihilism of his, which declares the whole phenomenal world and its facts and their distinctions to be a cunning fraud. A mere bare fraud is just what our Western common sense will never believe the phenomenal world to be. It admits fully that the inner joys and virtues are the essen tial part of life's business, but it is sure that some positive part is also played by the adjuncts of the show. If it is idiotic in romanticism to recognize the heroic only when it sees it labelled and dressed-up in books, it is really just as idiotic to see it only in the dirty boots and sweaty shirt of some one in the fields.

It is with us really under every disguise: at Chautauqua; here in your college; in the stock-yards and on the freight-trains; and in the czar of Russia's court. But, instinctively, we make a combination of two things in judging the total significance of a human being. If the outer differences had no meaning for life, why indeed should all this immense variety of them exist?

They must be significant elements of the world as well. This is what Mr. We are grown men, and are without a trade. In the labor-market we stand ready to sell to the highest bidder our mere muscular strength for so many hours each day.

We are thus in the lowest grade of labor. And, selling our muscular strength in the open market for what it will bring, we sell it under peculiar conditions. It is all the capital that we have. We have no reserve means of subsistence, and cannot, therefore, stand off for a 'reserve price.

Broadly speaking, we must sell our labor or starve; and, as hunger is a matter of a few hours, and we have no other way of meeting this need, we must sell at once for what the market offers for our labor. The gang-boss is secured for this purpose, and thoroughly does he know his business. He has sole command of us. He never saw us before, and he will discharge us all when the debris is cleared away. In the mean time he must get from us, if he can, the utmost of physical labor which we, individually and collectively, are capable of.

If be should drive some of us to exhaustion, and we should not be able to continue at work, he would not be the loser; for the market would soon supply him with others to take our places. He has paid high, and be must get all the labor that he can; and, by a strong instinct which possesses us, we shall part with as little as we can.

From work like ours there seems to us to have been eliminated every element which constitutes the nobility of labor. We feel no personal pride in its progress, and no community of interest with our employer. There is none of the joy of responsibility, none of the sense of achievement, only the dull monotony of grinding toil, with the longing for the signal to quit work, and for our wages at the end.

And such bard, barren, hopeless lives, surely, are not lives in which one ought to be willing permanently to remain. And why is this so? Is it because they are so dirty? Well, Nansen grew a great deal dirtier on his polar expedition; and we think none the worse of his life for that. Is it the insensibility? Our soldiers have to grow vastly more insensible, and we extol them to the skies. Is it the poverty? Poverty has been reckoned the crowning beauty of many a heroic career.

Is it the slavery to a task, the loss of finer pleasures? Such slavery and loss are of the very essence of the higher fortitude, and are always counted to its credit,-read the records of missionary devotion all over the world.

It is not any one of these things, then, taken by itself,-no, nor all of them together,-that make such a life undesirable. A man might in truth live like an unskilled laborer, and do the work of one, and yet count as one of the noblest of God's creatures. A potential concept album in the offing, perhaps. I only used to write stuff when I was sad. He points to Stevie Wonder as a prime example of the sort of artist he aspires to be, a songwriter who can turn his hand to any subject matter and still make it resonate.

In a few weeks, Blake will get his first chance to find out how Friends That Break Your Heart goes over live when he makes his return to the stage at the Hollywood Bowl, backed by a full orchestra. A nice, lowkey gig to kick off with, then.


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