Play aggressively, this is a free lane. He gets slightly dangerous at 6 but you can just outtrade him and bounce off him if he tries flipping you without grounding. Obviously, don't chase him. Take Flash and Ghost. Just don't miss minions if he tries to farm behind your tower. Harass him early and try to avoid getting flipped into a large minion wave or his turret. Really annoying but easy to outscale and out DPS.
Try not to all-in until he is low on HP or mana. The main points are to avoid the poison, try to use your E to mitigate damage, you probably won't have kill pressure until you get jungle assistance. One important thing to know is that you can't use cast your Ultimate if you're standing on his goo, because it has a grounding effect, so you can't flash out of it either.
And he never actually duel you poke him all the time. Aatrox guide with matchups updated every patch. Just dont get cheesed. If he goes to proxy the wave dont chase him cause he will outspeed you and go for the execute.
That was the only good singed I have seen. Don't chase him and bully him early. Ask your jungler for a gank if he is proxying. Just walk your wave into lane so he cant proxy, and try to predictively parry the shoulder throw. Watch out for his ground as it will stop you from Qing.
Simply don't follow him in his poison and you will be completely fine, this matchup is pretty easy just don't look to catch him out too hard with his huge MS buffs and poison dps. He can easily run away from you. If he proxys just stay undertower and farm, Mordekaiser has no way of chasing him and you will just start to become frustrated.
After lvl. Most of the time there will be little interaction in lane so just farm up and wait till the teamfights. Spirit Visage is a top grade item here. Watch out for these guys the dude behind the keyboard has testicles like cannonballs. I start Q at lvl 1 in this lane and I look to stack my passive, I am also going to be autoing him if he gets near my minions. Do be careful in case he is out pushing you early as he might be able to level 2 cheese you though.
However if you are the one with the wave pushing and you have level 2 coming up, hitting your E on him with passive stacked is an easy kill.
If he pushes you in, treat him like the other melee matchups where you start looking to fight once it pushes back as you will have an exp advantage and have your passive stacked. Also you can use your auto range to poke him out and gain an advantage before going for an all in.
Post 6 it is even easier however be careful on how much you commit because his ult heals him a lot and makes him pretty tanky. Don't ever be in melee range with singed and he cannot damage you. This match up is unplayable for singed and I very commonly net cs leads while getting solo kills.
Do not take d shield and go conditioning. Luckily, vets aren't real doctors. Scholar Mundo by Blehghhgh Dr. Mundo Player. Watchout for proxy farm and don't chase for long. Outdated by AmericanNut Pantheon Player. Dont chase him and you will be fine. Just farm and outscale him. If you are really bad, mercs will help times. If that does not help this is not your game. It depends of the singed player tbh.
Singed R is actually really good to take due to the movement speed and ability power it provides allowing you to be even more slippery. He will either get behind your turret to try to proxy or he will wait in the first bush for your first minions to come and then leave a poison trail that will kill all of your minions.
Check your jungle so that he does not try a cheese proxy and once your minions are at your last turret, walk ahead of them so that Singed cannot leave a poison trail on them. If you can get him to stay in lane normally, then he has no hope of doing anything as if he walks up you just throw your Q's at him.
You can easily kill him in the death realm if you can catch him that is. Don't let him fling you into his turret. You are more useful than him in team fights so the only thing he is good at is being annoying. If he proxy's don't waste your time chasing him off unless he's between your first or second tower in which case you can force him away from the minions. The ability haste guide to Mordekaiser by Kokob5 Mordekaiser Player. You just need to keep your distance and he needs to run at you to deal dmg which makes it easy to hit him with E.
You're faster, so you won't be in his poison trail. Just don't get flinged. To completely ruin his game, get some one to split push against him. If he can't split properly, he will become completely irrelevant for their team. Never hard focus a Singed. Just be wary of his push potential and his whereabouts and you should be good. A good Singed will take part in smaller skirmishes but will definitely opt out of larger teamfites. A great Singed will participate in the larger teamfights and peel for their team with a Rylai's.
A dumb Singed jumps headfirst in and flings the first carry he finds, and then gets obliterated. How to stay in Iron by not normal Jhin Player. That's it. However, they become significantly more useful than you after laning phase. Be careful of that. Try to be aggressive once you get an MR item or two, you're one of the few champions that can violate the sacred rule of League of Legends. You can chase the Singed. When he tries to use his E on you E to the other side and Q him for slow.
Gnar TOP [ If he tries to proxy you just call for the jungler and you can usually kill him. I recommend rushing a Death's Dance and aiming to kill him early. Later on you definitely need to pick off his team and create pressure. Fear the Undead Giant!!! Urgot Guide.
Don't chase singed. And don't play too agressively. He only has kill pressure on you if you play greedy and don't respect him. He'll often dive you and you'll die a lot pre 6 if he plays it mechanically good, because you are very squishy in the early game.
Abuse his proxyfarm and stack minions in lane. Go spirit visage and mercury's as well to sustain while being pushed in. Your jungler can hunt Singed if he wants to go for a kill. Whe he reches lv and tries to fling you, before his fling activates you can W him and because he is now slowed he sill noy be out of your Apprehend's range so just pull him, ghost and kill him. Remember to use your R right before singed flips you! He is very hard to kill with his R active, so trading your ult for his is a good deal.
Careful under the turret, he can kill combo you there early on. You most likely won't be getting a kill on him, because he's fast and tanky, but you also shouldn't be dying to him and outfarming him isn't really hard. When he goes up to fling you W him during the fling and pull him back in. Just do not stand close to his tower so he can not kill you under tower. And just do not chase him. CS under turret and tell your jungler not to try and fight him.
Get XP and make sure to last hit for free under turret. He's annoying but if you don't let him get to you you'll be okay. Try and play far back and don't let him get free E's on you. As long as you make it out of lane safely, your impact on teamfights will be much more than his.
There u can take flash. Agro Lissandra top lane S11 by ineptpineapple Lissandra Player. You can try to bring ghost for more ms but, once later in the game as long as he does not get crazy cs you will be fine. You can also let him get a little closer to you so its harder for him to dodge your Q. If he starts charging at you from further away it is also possible throw your Q between him and your tower then run towards your tower. Let it charge untill its nice and crispy and round it off with a nice knockup as soon as singed passes the line of the Q.
To top it W him while he is knocked up so he will be as slow as a granny passing down the street. Always keep your q in this matchup so if he ever flips u can insta jump back on him. Poke him with Q and deal enough damage without chasing him. If he throws the "Sticky Thing" stay on it or move in an angle he can't throw you on it, otherwise he'll stun you. You can win trades with barrels, AA's and Q at early levels, don't be too afraid, he's not that hard of a matchup.
He dodges your wall, escape or else you are fucked. Pretty simple. It's like the uno reverse card. This dude is annoying!
If you hit the first Q and he still goes in to fling you, W him right before the E connects so he's slowed and you can pull him back into you right after. If you manage to keep him close during his W you murder him. Be aware though that if you stand inside his W pool you cannot use your ultimate as it counts as a dash.
So focus hard on trading the first couple of levels and punish him for his weak early game. Both short and extended trades work versus him, just make sure to be aggressive. You have kill threat on him early. As long as you play safe he shouldn't be able to kill you, that being said this match up will be annoying.
Singed is more of a split-pusher then a teamfighter so you can still win late game against Singed. Try your best to farm up against him and stay even in CS. If he flings you W back to him and Q him off of you. Level 1 try to poke him with Q. Afterwards try to freeze and if he goes to proxy just push the wave all the way in. Careful of him flipping you into his W because it roots you.
I personally hate this shit and i dont know what such counter tips i can give you. However, be wary of him attempting to proxy farm your minions away from you, and purchase extra control wards to make sure you and your jungler can collapse on him when an opening provides itself. Cutting him off early from this tactic forces him away from one of his strengths of halving your wave safely before reaching tower. He will find it very hard to kill you in lane without help, but admittedly he has great setup from his W.
Otherwise it's wave management to win this matchup and outscaling him. Take Merc Treads as well. You out damage him unless you try to get greedy and run after him. Your E is practically useless, he counters your jump with his throw, and can slow you if you attempt to chase him. He builds tanky too so it will be useless.
Focus on farming for this one. Thats all if you E him once and usd all your W and Ult he cant run away from this Execute. Don't chase. Don't get flinged under his turret.
Camille Toplane Guide In depth Irelia guide by Frostyfps Irelia Player. You have the upper hand after 6, start poking and harassing him as much as you can, but dont chase him through his poison unless it is a sure kill.
Season 11 Kayle build guide by Colbasz Kayle Player. Urgot to be tilted by Delvoid Urgot Player. Repeat this for kill. Go conditioning over bone plating and build magic resist if theres more than him as AP. But if he starts to run away, don't chase in his poison. If he starts to proxy the wave, don't waste time going to kill him. Usually if Singed lanes against Nasus, he will not look to Proxy Farm your wave since he wants to punish your weak early game but usually you will see them that they proxy 2 waves and then get a recall since Nasus wave clear undertorret sucks specially early on, to prevent this, I recommend not leashing and walk next to your wave so if he does that, you can damage him but don't go to hard on him, he can quite Nasus really well early on, rememeber the Golden Rule, never chase a Singed.
Putting wards in your jungle and ping your allies whenever he's missing is vital to prevent him of snowballing.
Later on to the game you outscale him, he can't deal enough damage to you but he is one of the most annoying champions to kill in the entire game straight up, his ability to kite is absurd. Once you are both full build, Nasus becomes way more valueable than him in a 5v5 since he will get bursted super easily. Take aery and be a pain in his ass. But even so you should be able to just kill him. He sets up ganks well, so if he w's you, just run as fast as possible.
D1 OTP. Long sword refillable potion start. Against a singed player who is going for a lane dominance build, you don't have to play too aggressive, look for spots where you have high health and fury and he is on your side of the lane for a potential all in, or you can just sit back and farm and wait to outscale him in the mid game. Against a singed with aftershock look to be very aggressive with him especially level 1 and try to punish him before he can even use his keystone. Aftershock singed will typically struggle to outdamage you, so you can typically get good allins on him.
Something an aftershock singed might do is proxy your wave behind you. If your jungler is around or mid laner is willing to rotate you can look for a free kill on him, or you can go and proxy singed's wave and ALSO take his jungler's camps. If you are playing against a proxy singed then look to buy tiamat potentially and just farm absolutely everything. There is a small delay when he is casting goo that you can back off the trade before he flips.
In the mid-late game splitpush Singed can kite pretty well and do a good amount of damage with Rylais, but once you get max level W he won't be able to kite you anymore and you just straight up win. I dont play often vs him since i often ban him. But if he is good, it will get hard from the moment he gets Tier 3 boots, he will just run u down, no matter how much barrels u hit.
But seriously, this lane is very winnable early, especially if you E his flip. You wont take as much damage, even if he flips you into his W. What you have to watch out for is his proxy and his scaling. Try to get a lead early and extend it to the rest of the map.
Having the jungler help when Singed Proxies is the best outcome. But just sitting in lane with a laner who wont fight you but will out cs you indefinitely wont help win the game.
That is why TP is a must take. Adaptive helm works wonders. Never chase him. Try your best to farm and to impact the map more than him.
You can always try to punish his positioning, but honestly, you're better at poking him out of lane. Try to do so. Thankfully, since he has no dashes, you won't have to. Many Singed players will just run up to you to try and force a flip with sheer speed, but you can W in advance to either stop or trap him. Now, much like Ornn, Singed is completely useless, so you can pick up a free kill. Take MR. Try to use your early lead as good as possible. Make sure you are positioned properly in this lane and not very close to his tower.
Once he gets his Ultimate, he will be more annoying to deal with. A neonazist skinhead oldman drugged schizophrenic? You can prarry his E and if you go for short trades you will do more than he will do with his Q. Mercurys will be really good in that matchup. Another thing to be careful about is getting flung in the middle of your third Q animation. To counteract this, you need to try to make sure you're far enough away where he can't start the animation while you're in mid-air.
You can short trade Q, W, Auto vs him when he goes for a minion. If you know he's running at you trying to fling, it's ok to shield and let him fling you. You won't take too much damage, and he will eventually run out of mana doing that.
Try not to fight him if he uses his ult when he has a lot of health. You can look to all in him when his fling is off cooldown. Check more info below. More information found below. If he takes aftershock, wait until his buff goes away or is on cooldown before you do anything. This will be a game that you get or rush adaptive helm. With adaptive and maybe boots he should not be much of a problem.
Also singed likes to cheese level 1 so try to get your jungle with you for an easy first blood to get a super early damage boost or MR. You should win the trades. He becomes a problem if he goes all-in and throw you back with his E, slows you down with his toxic Q and throw a toxic pool on you to slow you down even more.
In that moment not only that he may damage you a lot but the enemy jungle can pin you down easy with no escape. Beware and play defensive when you play against Singed. It is definitely harder to get kills because Lillia relies on chasing down champs so much, but you shouldnt lose lane.
Teemo apenas basico. A good SInged player will absolutely stomp you. His high mobility makes it nearly impossible for you to land your combo all of the times.
You can still win this lane, but he is a force to be reckoned with in the right hands. Try your best to not let him farm and poke him. Phase Rush Mordekaiser! Veigar wip by kurbart Diamond Veigar Player. Then just stick to farming because chasing him will be a waste of time.
Doesn't matter, sun rules all! Flame Spitter by Delvoid Rumble Player. Don't chase him ever and poke with Q. Don't chase him ever as you won't catch up, stun into combo works but he can just flip you into poison and there's not much you can do to get out aside from walking.
Ulting him into his team works well late but lane phase he just does what he wants so just farm he can't dive you or you just ult him after he flings you. You can even outkite his R, which is pretty sad tbh. Phage will help you catch him easier. Go Adaptive Helm or dodge. The thing about singed is that the matchup depends a lot on the skill and knowledge of the singed in question; if he is bad, he is free gold for the entire laning phase.
If he is good, killing him twice will merely inconvenience him and he will just end up scaling and covering the rift in the salt of its players. Abuse your first 2 levels, the moment he gets level 3 he becomes very annoying and when he gets 6 he starts to become unkillable. Ignite is good, but do note that singed's summoner spells can vary and he might take barrier to deal with your burst or even ignite if he thinks he can kill you, so you might want to consider TP.
Conqueror is good since you will need sustained damage to bring him down. Rengar Mains Community Guide ft. Dont waste time trying to catch him. When he goes for last hit all in him or at least trade. He cant win that fights. Riven is counter to next adc buffs by Rivenetto Riven Player. Hard lane, but not impossible. Play safe and ask for ganks. Use your Q if he uses his E. Then use your Q whenever it's up.
Don't chase him for too long because he is fast as you and because of his Q. Watch out for ganks. BotRK is a must-have. You can chase him with your Q's if you buy Guinsoo's Rageblade. Q the ground to slow him if he charges at you for a fling. Kite him around a little and you should be fine. An asshole to fight against. One of the best top laners. He can run away from a 1v5 with no problems.
If his jungler comes you just get flinged and die. Post-6 is basically unkillable with all the stats he gains. He will rush Tabi to screw with you. If you think he's going to proxy wait in the bush around your 2nd turret. Take Cull and don't try to stop his proxy farming unless your jungler comes to help you. He can't really kill you since you can just flay him away before he flips you. Try to move in a weird way so he cant land his W on you because it makes you a sitting duck!
Your passive cripples him and you can easily poke him. Just try not to get pull into the tower range and don't chase him when he have ult. You should win this lane no problem however you can't really chase him down. Illaoi build guide by BeautifulWinter Illaoi Player. Praise the Lord by Micorvus Swain Player. If he kills you early he can be difficult. It's hard to kite a singed but it's possible with certain rune set ups.
Sustain rune page. If he proxies just let your team deal with him, enjoy that free farm and perfect CS. Mordekaiser [V If he just goes to proxy you have no real way to contest him due to a lack of bushes.
Go Grasp or Fleet. For him to win trades, he has to walk around you, which will be his undoing. He will die because of your E and if you are level 6 there is no way for him to escape you. The only way he can ever escape you is with Predator and ghost, and he will probably flash away too. Teemo serious guide [ Just farm safely before 6, then harass him. Diamond Kayle Guide Rengar Top Guide 9. Be sure to poke at max range and you can easily kill him.
He is super squishy and really hard to do well with against ranged. If you are against him be sure to zone and poke but if he runs towards you quickly backup as he can kill you once he sprays the sticky spray and throws you back into his poison.
You just don't have to chase it. Stay back and let the wave crush into your tower. Start with vault. Escort your first wave to lane and you will be able to hurt him bad if he tries to proxy. The big danger for you is his glue, but phase rush should let you escape it. Early BotRK is strong as well. It doesn't matter what he does he'll lose. Just start the game by walking right next to your wave and don't allow him to proxy.
Sit under tower for 20 minutes farming stacks while he's AFK proxying your waves, and enjoy an extremely entertaining game where there is zero interaction between the two champions whatsoever for the entire laning stage.
Free stacks. Get an adaptive helm if you're bored and want to chase him around. The meme lord - with detailed matchups by Hamstertamer Nasus Player. Dont chase him, he is too fast. Let him push. Oh Captain my Captain! You can easily kill him, but oh god you need godlike reaction to catch him. Faith of the depths [S9] by Chromuro Illaoi Player. Don't chase if he proxies, just tank the lane.
Build MR, make teamplays and peel, this guy will just run and ghost and ignite and build 4 fucking dark seals. Dawn's Shen Guide! Get cdr quick to help you stack under tower.
Get MR runes and bring second wind. Rush a spectres cowl. Aa Guide Aabout Aatrox. Aatrox Guide. His Poison Trail doesn't do much damage early on, so take advantage before he gets too tanky. Always save your Leap Strike against Singed so you can jump to him when he Flings you. If you get early kills it makes later laning phase much easier.
Do this till he is low enough for you to go in and secure the kill. Your range will give you an advantage, however. Lethal teemo by malibu Teemo Player. Later into the game his poison is just too strong and I would suggest avoiding fights with him.
Build an Adaptive Helm in this matchup. Save Your Teamates! Yisuo: Riven to beyond unfinished by Yisuo Riven Player. He moves a lot and will be harder to hit Q with and can be frustrating and trade good early cos of low dmg on Ryze.
Late game he will have little chances to fight you and you can root and hurt him a lot. Ryze is mage carry 9. He's not really a champion known for carrying, but he has good CC and a lot of magic damage over time. Build an adaptive helm against Singed. You will NOT regret me saying that. Walking in his poison trail will do a lot of damage. He can flip you during your Q. Just take short trades. If he's going to flip you, I'd charge your knockup, especially if he's in the middle of a minion wave.
If he does proxy, close out all possible escape paths and get your jungler's assistance immediately. Do not get close to his tower. Grab a cull early and assume he's just going to proxy farm most of the game. If your jungler cares, he might help you kill him a few times with proper lockdown.
But don't risk losing any CS by leaving tower. Some singed players might actually try and lane against you, making it possible to kill him with decent positioning. Grab some mercs and a phage early along with Conqueror to be able to fight him to any extent. He wont be able to out damage your healing. Don't Chase him down too hard.
Don't get flipped into his turret. Shen 9. Yorick 3 lane proxy jungle invade Tanky ass Take Arcane Comet. Let him proxy, but deny him if your Jungler is around. Out-farm him. Zdenster's Guide to Top Lane ft. Adaptive Helm, Mercury Treads and Sheen and you can win if you're able to farm, and don't fall far behind. I have only lost this match up one time, but the reason for that was because it was the one time I fought a true Singed main. Your Maiden's faulty targeting can easily get you killed when you should otherwise win.
Top Yorick split push carry guide 9. Keep him away from you with your E charges and kite him while getting as much Q damage in on him as possible. If he starts proxy farming there isn't a whole lot you can realisically do, so just look you keep the waves from hitting your turret.
Everyone is afraid of him, but, actually it depends on the player. In lvl 1, just E into him and AA him. Every time he moves up, just E Q him, you'll do close to half his health. He'll flip you into his gas. When he does just run to the side out of it, heal with w, then repeat.
The time you'll spend in the gas is next to nothing so the damage inflicted is small. Post 6 just ult ghost and all in, your Q counters the effects of his ult so you should be able to kill him.
Be sure to keep account of how much gas damage you're taking. Godlaf in the Top Lane 9. Proc grasp and don't let him throw you. Ult him in laning phase if you think you can get a stack. It really depends on how agressive they choose to be.
Singed players hate to face Darius. Therefore you might experience that they want to proxy your minion wave to bypass having to lane against you. If you want great champ synergies for your own comrades to help boost your chances of winning, take a look at our champ synergies. Regardless of his chosen position, he does admirably when alongside Vayne. This combination usually improves his average win rate by a few percent.
Master Yi and Xin Zhao are also awesome champions to fight alongside. To see the details and best Singed counter builds for a specific matchup, you should click the related row in one of the tables above. If you would like some Singed counters not displayed here, you may click the "All Matchups" button to view details on all potential counters. In order to review Singed pairings and counters from a particular division rank, you can use the dropdown menu above to narrow the counters shown. We analyze the data using advanced algorithms to bring you the most accurate Singed counters online.
MOBA Champion. Close sidebar. Singed Counters. Filter by. All Matchups. Who Counters Singed. Who Singed Counters. Singed Team Synergies. Our Methods.