Who is generation y characteristics

Encourage the teamwork spirit and create a work environment that emphasizes the importance of teamwork. Mentor, train and coach them as a team, and you can expect them to achieve more and better, with all of them focused on team success rather than individual success. Generation Y professionals grew up in the age of the internet and social media, where the instant-access feedback cycle is the norm. This has translated into their professional lives, where they want to receive quick and consistent feedback and guidance from their superiors.

Millennials want feedback more than any other generation. They want to know that what they are doing matters. They want to be given credit for their skills and talents. They want to know that they are doing well at work. To older generations, this is a characteristic of a self-absorbed generation that wants to receive constant praise for the smallest of things. This is where they go wrong. The need for constant feedback does not mean that millennials want to be pampered at work.

It means that they want guidance and the reassurance that they are headed in the right direction. They are looking for ways to get even better at their jobs by having their superiors tell them where they are doing well and where they need to improve. To members of Generation Y, managers are a little more than bosses; they are coaches too. They expect managers to mentor them and help them develop personally and professionally.

Millennials are a generation that wants to achieve their goals quickly; to do so, they need to frequent and effective feedback to ensure that they are always on the correct path. As a manager, you should understand that your Gen Y employees want to learn from you.

They want you to teach and coach them. You will need to provide feedback a lot more often. Once every quarter is good. Once every month is even better. Provide them with short term goals and reward them once they achieve certain milestones.

Give them a goal they need to meet and then check with them regularly to ascertain that they are on the right path. Finally, listen to your millennial employees. While they might not have the experience, they are not afraid to think outside the box, and can easily come up with innovative ways of doing business. They want to know they matter to the organization.

Ignoring them when they know they have ideas that could improve the business does not sit very well with them. Even though it might take some time getting used to it, make a habit of asking for the opinions of your Generation Y employees and listen carefully to what they say — they might give you a truly transformative idea. In most cases, the Generation X employee will find out exactly what needs to be done and then go ahead to start working the project as he has been told.

The same cannot be said of the Generation Y employee. In a traditional work environment, this can the Generation Y employee look disrespectful to his boss. However, this is not being disrespectful. Instead, it is a representation of a generation that has grown up constantly challenging traditional approaches. Driven by impact, millennials want to know that what they are doing counts, and the only way to know that is by asking questions. In addition, they have grown up in a different world than the generation before them and therefore look at things from a new perspective that is full of new possibilities.

They know that there are new and better ways of doing things and they are not afraid of letting their bosses know what they think will work and what will not.

They are ambitious and want to make an impact, meaning they will not hesitate to challenge the current state of things if they think they will make a positive change. As a manger, you should not stifle the seemingly crazy ideas from your Generation Y employees. Actually, you should encourage them to share any ideas they feel will improve the way of doing things. Advances to society and business have always been brought about by people who challenged the status quo.

Before the introduction of the iPhone, so called experts said mobile computing would never go mainstream. The same way, by encouraging your Gen Y employees to voice their opinions and challenge the status quo, you might chance on an idea capable of revolutionizing your way of doing business. When working with millennials, you should also learn to put your decisions into context. Instead of just saying what needs to be done, explain why it has to be done.

Giving them the goal behind the task will encourage millennials to think about the task with the bigger picture in mind and come up with better ways of doing the task. Moreover, they are searching for new challenges and they have high expectations. Gen Y often has excessive expectations, so it turns out that reality is worse than their expectations are.

People will be unhappy in that case. There are a lot of things Millennials care about and it is not that simple to provide all those things. Kitchen managers can work in restaurants, hotels, casinos, catering companies and resorts. They take patient history, monitor patients, administer medication and assist in creating a treatment plan. RNs could also train other nurses in basic practices. Many RNs work in hospitals, clinics and other healthcare facilities. A brand manager monitors the competition to ensure their company can remain current and offer the best deals.

With Steps and Suggestions for Increasing Income. Find jobs. Company reviews. Find salaries. Upload your resume. Sign in. Finding a Job. What is Generation Y? Generations defined. Born before Seek comfort and financial security, traditional, loyal. Baby Boomers. Born Strong work ethic, disciplined, focused. Generation X. Born Entrepreneurial, value work-life balance, independent.

Born Value work-life balance, confident, tech-savvy. In the early 50s, photographer Robert Capa used the alphabet to name generations for the first time. Today, three generations of youngsters coexist -X, Y and Z- and, with their resemblances and differences, they are condemned to get along. The photographer Robert Capa coined the term 'generation X' to refer to people born after the 60s.

In not even half a century, this generation has coexisted with three others: the baby boomer, Y and Z. Find out what the characteristics of each generation are.

Generation X, Y and Z: changing the established order. Video voice transcription [PDF]. The French girl and German man who posed for Robert Capa could not have known that they were going to be considered part of Generation X, the title the photographer gave to that work, in which he wanted to capture what life was like for the young people who grew up after the Second World War Generation X includes those born between and , during the reconstruction of Europe after the war.

Their life has not been easy, since, after a period of upheaval, finding a job was a great challenge. To work and produce was their philosophy of life, leaving no room for idealism. Individualism, ambition and an addiction to work — or being a workaholic — are the values with which they grew up.


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