How many plagues in the bible

Sometimes in the Bible, plagues are said to be directly sent by God for a specific purpose of punishment e. We do not have a prophetic word one way or the other in the current situation to be dogmatic on this.

First, we know that we all go back to dust at some time, some after nine days and some after ninety years. Death comes to all, sooner or later.

Second, life is uncertain in the best or worst of times. Ecclesiastes says it can be love or hatred, anything may await us.

Would Hitler stop with Poland or France? Could the Soviet Union defeat Germany on their own? No one knew for sure how things would unfold as they developed. Third, our days are ordained by God. Eat cheese fries and live to 99, if that is appointed for you. Be a vegan and be hit by a truck at 21, if that is appointed for you.

This is what has been classically called the sovereignty of God. Fourth, Christians in other generations lived without anxiety medicine, sleeping aids, antidepressants, health insurance, or a pension.

They knew that life was hard, and then you die. How do we approach the current crisis? Perhaps a bit like Paul in a dark, dank, wet cell in Colossians: with gratitude that the gospel is advancing Col. A Christ-centered and gospel-centered life is undaunted, serious, but joyful, and sees each day as an opportunity to live to the glory of God and make one more disciple.

Very well written. My response to the question: Did God bring Covid? These plagues are described in chapters 7 through 11 of the book of Exodus. The plagues were water turned into blood, frogs, lice, gnats, diseased livestock, boils, hail, locusts, darkness for three days and killing of firstborn sons.

A considerable amount of devout interpretation has been given to these passages, and some have argued that each of the 10 plagues represents one of the many gods of ancient Egypt, showing the superiority of the Hebrew God to the pagan gods. For example, it is argued that the plague on cattle is a symbolic thrashing of the goddess Hathor, the goddess of cattle, and the plague of darkness was a slap in the face to the sun god, Amun-Re.

This argument is fascinating but it is not clear. The plague of gnats, or flies, is tied to the goddess Uatchit, who is called the goddess of flies in many sources. Her Egyptian name was Wadjet; she was the patron of the Lower Nile and the cobra was sacred to her. But while the Nile had many flies, it is not clear that she was specifically a goddess of them. This interpretation also presumes a detailed knowledge of Egyptian gods, which were many. Much of the worship of the gods by the powerful priests was secretive, and not many Egyptians had a detailed knowledge of it.

But it is an interesting interpretation, and the Scriptures do say that God will bring down his wrath on the Egyptian gods. In this Christian vision, the situation is that a man named John, who is presumed to be John the Apostle in old age on the island of Patmos, has a series of visions of the end of time and judgment day. The catastrophic plagues occurs in Chapter Here a voice from inside a temple commands seven angels to pour out seven bowls of the wrath of God.

With the pouring out of the first bowl, foul sores appear on all those who worshipped the evil beast, while the second pouring kills everything in the sea and makes it like blood. The third bowl turns rivers to blood, and the fourth bowl is poured on the sun, creating intense heat to scorch men. The fifth brings darkness over the land.

But the Israelites needed their animals to sacrifice to god, so they rejected Pharaoh's condition. Enslavement of the Israelites. The ten plagues of Egypt. The Escape from Egypt.

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