Demi spells work wonders for getting their HP low if the enemy isn't immune to them, and the Sense materia can show you their stats so you can see how low you've gotten them.
All I can say is good luck. User Info: SmokeRulz. Other Answers. Tonberries are more easily morphed if you have Yuffies Conformer her ultimate weapon since it will still do huge amounts of damage. Hero drinks can also help, Hope it helped. Oh by the way, he's in norther cratern, mostly where all your team gathered for the first time, in the screen you should NOT use the Save Crystal.
User Info: sAviOr2k5. Effect: Nullifies Lightning-based elemental and magic attacks. Tetra Elemental. Safety Bit. Fury Ring. Description: Automatically puts you in [Berserk]. Curse Ring. A very effective combination! Protect Ring. Description: Restores HP as you walk. Effect: Restores your HP as you move your character around. Reflect Ring. Description: Automatically sets up [Reflect]. Water Ring.
It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Also, it might be helpful to note that Yuffies ultimate weapon, The Conformer, does not take the morph damage reduction penalty, meaning she can still do damage with Morph. This allows Master Tonberries to be easily morphed. All information was taken from this guide. You can also morph the Ho-chu in the Battle arena into a ribbon.
They're not difficult to beat so you can virtually get one for every character while you build points for the Omnislash and the W-summon materia. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.
Create a free Team What is Teams? Eiko has the Ribbon in her Bring Arts figure. The Dark Aeons sometimes drop armor with Ribbon already on it. Ribbon is the most dominant ability and second-most dominant ability combination, and therefore most armor with Ribbon equipped are named as such. It is inferior to an item equipped with Ribbon as it only prevents four of the nine statuses Ribbon can protect against, and takes up four slots, where a Ribbon ability would only take up one.
Ribbon is an accessory and also an auto-ability for the Mascot and each special dressphere , and the ability gained by passing through all colored gates on the Abominable Garment Grid in the International and HD Remaster versions. The accessory can be found in the Bevelle Underground , in the area with the six towers. Activating the correct three blue will let the player proceed with the story, but activating and manipulating all the six towers to form a spiral path lets the player access the Ribbon.
It can also be obtained from the tower re-calibration minigame on the Thunder Plains , thus allowing for three Ribbons in a single playthrough, without the use of Bribe. There are several ribbons of various colors. The low-level and mid-level Ribbons will give little Defense against every element, but the defended damage is easy to overlook. The Flawless Ribbon, which is difficult to get, will also give a decent amount of elemental-defense and the ability "Resist Status Ailments".
Some Ribbons, such as the Noble's Ribbon, also provide a Charisma bonus, making them popular among Bards. It will prevent Lure but not Berserk. The license to equip Ribbons is at the end of the board 's accessory section and costs LP. It can drop from the Lv. Starting at the Cerobi Steppe save crystal , the player should head north one screen and as soon as they enter they can see a big rock a little to the right.
Beyond that, even more to the right, there is another big rock with a treasure right behind it. The player can get more than one Ribbon by repeatedly trying the chest. In the Zodiac versions, Ribbon protects against the statuses like before, but also provides 1 Defense and 1 Magick Resist as well as Libra and Regen , allowing the player to see traps on the field and enemies' stats, and gradually gain HP. It still drops from the Lv. The player can farm Ribbons in the Trial Mode by stealing from Hashmal.
Ribbon is an accessory for Ashe that gives the support ability which grants immunity to all statuses to the team. It is acquired for beating the Mission Wings of Midnight. It can be obtained by digging up twenty treasures with a chocobo on the Archylte Steppe , dropped from Flowering Cactuars rare in the Faultwarrens and Vercingetorix rare , or by upgrading Entite Rings into Goddess's Favors via the Sanctum Labs retail network , and when fully upgraded, they can be dismantled into Ribbons.
They cost points to equip, and so can only be equipped once all accessory Crystarium bonuses have been obtained. The Ribbon is Head armor that can be used by all classes. It can be traded for in Old Gridania for 2 Achievement Certificates. Characters can obtain Achievement Certificates for every 50 Achievement Points earned. Being level 1 with no attributes, it is suitable only for glamours. Though the item description says it protects from "almost all status ailments", Ribbon protects against all debuffs, including the ones that lower the player's stats and Instant Death.
The Ribbon can only be worn by female characters and Cloud. Ribbon provides a minimal boost to HP and protects the wearer from all status ailments. Ribbons can be poached from Wild Boars and obtained via Melee and Rendezvous. The Ribbon is a helm worn by viera and Ritz.